Friday, December 7, 2012

1.05 Demon Hunter Double WW equipped experience

I give the fitted will cost less than 30 million Diablo 3 gold, and has upward space!

Changes the thinking of the first part of DH skills

Changes a lot, especially passive skills, this period tell a perfectionist, should be the highest attention to a new passive traced DH viability dispute. It is beautiful to look at skills, 10% of Vitality Resistance Armor upgrade, reduce Discipline consumption is simply perfect. Is this true?

In fact, in my opinion is very sad to increase the percentage of the biggest contradictions that need basic equipment. In other words, the foundation of Vitality, Resistance, Armor is not the case, it will not let you live better, Vitality, Resistance, Armor high when it brings data to enhance, but not required . Specific to a simple example:

30K Vitality, 200 Resistance, 3K Armor bring perfect 33K of Vitality 220 Resistance 3300 Armor, apparently almost negligible increase!

50K Vitality, 400 Resistance, 4K Armor bring perfect 55K of Vitality 440 Resistance 4400 Armor upgrade is obvious, but the underlying data has been good enough, not worth a passive bar!

Reduce Discipline consume more tasteless, would not elaborate, perhaps instead of all Discipline skills consume less have value, so this is a PVP to the skills, I will not be using the PVE equipped BUILD. So how through skills effectively improve the viability, of course, is to take advantage of the relief hurt the wings + anesthesia trap + Guardian Jianta combination, 35% +15% damage coupled with a 20% reduction in monster damage relief.

The second part, the choice of equipment

Equipment to build with, so as to play a great power with a minimum investment, not just look at the results of the panel data the DH panel DPS unrealistically high.

Demon Hunter's Double WW

A long period of time, DH low difficulty FARM Elemental Arrow with lands TentaclesRune and multiple accounting for half of the country.

Basic ideas and skills to select

Strafe is the DH only able to carry out sustained attacks in the mobile hatred skills, but the disproportionate of its hatred consumption and amount of AOE damage, DH Double WW has been on paper MP system low difficulty anemia monsters so this theory can finally achieve a. Consumption due to bursts of hatred and attack speed, low attack speed is the first element of the extended bursts of time, followed by hatred recovery speed, but low attack speed will affect the output per unit of time strafing AOE damage, which can only be to make up . So

Core skills right strafe - grenade blasting 187% damage 9 yards the AOE triggered coefficient 0.5

Must only this, different damage mechanisms and other skills runes each grenades can result in a sufficient amount of small-scale AOE damage is low the FARM most important difficulty DPH and AOE along with low attack speed this Rune harmless. A post comes to him with missile storm, reason enough DPS under MP0. Fact is not enough, and other runes are several individual damage accrued on the basis of DPS, the face of more than 10 intensive target serious weakness, need other skills to complement the injury, that is more than a waste of a skill grid and increase the amount of operation This is contrary to Double WW, the same DPS can take the grenade blasting to sweep the MP1, efficiency inevitably higher, 1.36 attack speed 95K DPS strafe the MP1, very easily.

The trigger factor up to 0.5 back to the COB Admission Faculty & Research Program Curriculum Student Affairs Alumni Night with a problem is a common problem of the grenade explosion: Delay measured this problem does not exist for strafing grenade. From the principle point of view, the other grenade skills are point and fixed-point, it is necessary to reach the specified location only came into effect, will inevitably lead to the problem of delay. Strafing grenade is a non-directional automated guided the mechanism of its entry into force is encountered on the explosion, so there is no delay.

To cope with this skill, high-back hate the bat and vengeful Required. There is also a return to hatred wings, both vampire and back to hatred, and hatred is equipped with the wings state more than 10/s.

Discipline replies problems:

Bursts of grenades trigger factor is 0.5, and is AOE, very adapt with the Night Lurker, plus the occasional to eat blood cell, and so maintain no consumption wings enough but efficient run Figure mandatory combination is rolling + strategy. This requires gaining momentum to maintain the Discipline total, to see which runes Discipline limit below 45 with a concentrated mind the best 15 seconds even stronger than the old Inna's suit, of course, the old Inna's suit this skill grid saved.

Finally, a skill bar left, only strafing attack skills, so here to join an attack skills complement DPS, according to the the equipment situation can have three options: preferred the flying blade - dancing wildly blade. Applies to the lower panel DPS strafe elite and thick blood monster damage is not enough, the advantage is the high outbreak, low energy consumption, not interrupted by bursts and deceleration control. The disadvantage is 10 seconds CD, the range is generally required under the circumstances, the use of rhythm (Do CD one).

Leviathan - Hand sword curtain, apply to panel DPS advantage no consumption skills to supplement certain DPS, the efficiency with which the passive dark night, the same is not interrupted by bursts saving operation amount. The drawback is that narrow range, DPS.

Finally to the old Inna's suit choice, the above two optional one, because they are not ready to go Province, a skill grid, so here proposes to add a claw thorn - jagged spikes, the advantage is considerable damage, with deceleration do not interrupt bursts. Drawback basic Discipline bottleneck is one of them.

To build on molding, you can see the mix of skills bursts grenade at the core, auxiliary roll strong ran diagram efficiency throughout to keep moving, and do not need to aim at. You may find that I have always stressed not interrupted by bursts, there are two reasons: First, in order to ensure that the low consumption strafing often interrupted by bursts of re-cast, playing a monster is consuming hatred; We all know that the current version of DH in the damage skills wings decentralization vampire and wings after still valid. I'm not sure is not BUG, ??but this caused the wings after strafing as long as it does not interrupt, the vampire effect would have been effective, no open wings in the middle, which is one of the reasons I chose to back hate wings.

Equipment selection

Due to low attack speed weapons inevitable with a crossbow, equipment, try not to attack speed, crit storm damage to be as high as possible, must have 24 Paosu, abandoned the attack speed will inevitably lead to low panel DPS, 130,000 almost bottleneck. But there is no way, I can clearly say that the attack speed over 1.6 build absolutely not easy to use, hatred consumes too fast, multi-throw grenades all wasted, attack
Hit the speed must be kept below 1.4. Also abandoned the attack speed of the luxury properties fitted costs fell down, and the expense of the panel the DPS.

As follows

Arms - a lion or gold crossbow can, as long as the white characters and critical damage high

Quiver - high property of the deceased, 10 explosive attack speed does not matter

Helmet - 6 explosive agility, insert empty (recommended the 6 burst with agile immortal head)

Necklace - damage, agility, physical critical chance, critical damage (financial resources can not to critical chance, damage, agility, critical damage)

Shoulder - high agility, high fitness, all Resistance (ward off evil or the best choice)

Clothes - high agility full of special effects Tyrrell (affordable, all the Resistance movement speed) strafed Inna's suit (back hate best)

Bracers - the tyrannical or the Lacuni

The gloves - Agility 10 explosion essential critical damage, all Resistance, physical optional

The Ring - strafing Jordan, Hellfire Ring

Belt - high agility, physical fitness, all Resistance, or Inna waist, Hellcat (witch doctor moment, but very expensive)

Pants - high agility, physical, all Resistance, double hole, or black thorns, Inna's pants (with Inna waist)

Boots - high attribute, not necessarily movement_path speed, ice climbing, Inna's shoes optional

There are several combinations of reference

No physical movement speed of the Tyrrell clothes with black thorns pants + Hell Lumbar Spinal + tyrannical wrist + movement speed shoes, or Lacuni wrist + climbing shoes, the combination of these two costs one low and one high. Also can be equipped with to Inna's suit + tyrannical + climbing (shoulders a little better, or too little resistance). Inna's suit high vitality, without full anti-movement speed, with Inna's suit + Inna's shoes + tyrannical wrist, the high cost of this combination, the effect of two suit well.

The evil spirits shoulder and Inna's suit are physical garbage the Hellfire rings all Resistance60, physical 90, Dex 190; the crossbow 200 physical, no critical damage, and white 1259, climbing shoes, 223 agility, Jordan is one million rubbish set costs about 20 million d3 gold.

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