Saturday, December 15, 2012

Demon Hunter experience: faster and riskier

Role in Diablo 3 in the highest level is a demon hunter, she rose to a peak of 30 tonight. 1) the devil hunters are female, or they made a mistake. 2) men and women prance animation of the same. Women use a hand stays low to do a cartwheel, while men are robot-assisted to do sideways Parkour-flip. 3) I also like the other role, my Master, Witch Doctor, Barbarian, there are monks are 60 +, mostly between P5-P10 level, but the Demon Hunter is clearly my favorite.

This thing is a bit strange, because the Master is me in the sale of the preferred role, I would have expected in this role who spend the most time. I expected, but did not achieve, because Diablo 3 mage its overall design and not really to my taste. I liked the quick rich the offensive glass cannon style of play, very good in the role of D1 and D2 in the Master in line with my expectations, D3 in the mage. Powerful debuffs and defensive skills, as well as to control the market, as well as transmission delay because she is good.

This is not to say that this role is not fun, and she has a lot of very cool offensive skills, my equipment is good enough you can play unlimited ice, I'm sure I will love her ... but this play The style does not meet my expectations Master.

Demon Hunter Diablo 3's role in the Contra-become, if only by default, Demon Hunter test is my favorite character, especially when prance level requirement reduced to 11. Offering period of time like this skill, and hit Hell Act 4, when still insist on using this skill, and at that time almost all of them have been transferred to the use of a smokescreen. 1.01 times I had to switch to the the smokescreen skills, because they do not change my self-sufficiency Demon Hunter can not beat Imre Northrop. Prance, I basically can not escape his transfer Charge spike attack my DPS low, can not be done quickly kill, which means boss battle I must at least avoid the twice seckill . I have tried several times, it is no longer adhere directly to prance replaced smokescreen, after the first attempt to kill a boss, henceforth smokescreen Permanent my skills bar.

I soon got used to the smoke screen, I started to like it. With the strategic advantage of passive movement speed has also been a good upgrade. In addition, I think that as a smokescreen just say like skills prompted to provide a stealth effect, but I soon realized that it can get rid of all the fixed body and control field skills, completely immune to all damage sources, you can let the devil hunter through all obstacles such as the construction of the wall such, even brainwashed monsters instantly forgotten my existence, even 3 seconds, I'm next to them to use their skills, and then stood motionless.

But I always prance, or more or less miss V1.05 before Purgatory will always emerge in every corner those whirlpool, profane, imprisonment, and the construction of the wall and send monsters, but this time only The Demon Hunter smokescreen that allows most of the low-end equipment are hit before the monster in the combination of these affixes survive. I was not even aware of this subtle The smokescreen is how the guide to a more cautious, meticulous, careful style of play, especially when my equipment on a very slow attack speed of the two-tailed scorpion, which kinds of play I'm bored.

I did not realize it ... until last night, when I decided to create a re-play, reconfigure my equipment, and finally found a new style of play for the lower DPS faster more crazy, more interesting and higher income.

Turtle and rabbit

In the pinnacle grade 1-29 level when I use a smokescreen to try a variety of different style of play, but basically similar. Play usually have two archery skills, the hatred produce macrophages techniques such as chasing arrows or evasive shooting, another wreaking technology such as electric ball vector Frost Arrow or multiple shooting. I usually use the swarming enemy's collapse as a control field / defense skills, and use to sneak into the trap to increase the damage to the elite of the Shadow, Marked for Death or spikes. Replaced on the use of multiple shooting bats combat pet, I always bring along poised to take off as a recovery to the COB Admission Faculty & Research Program Curriculum Student Affairs Alumni. (As for the passive, I tend to be a strategic advantage, archery of specialization and composure sniper, because my DPS is always inadequate)

If you have not played Demon Hunter, here is a brief summary of her energy mechanism: Hate provide energy for almost all attack skills, while Discipline is for defensive skills, your death is that sooner or later, and once you Discipline exhausted thing.

The nude figure foundation Discipline only 30 points. Easily the ceiling slightly enhance the cloak and quiver demon hunter can have a maximum of +10 precepts, and a lot of suits and legendary items can further increasing the ceiling, but those prices are expensive, so most of the civilians Discipline ceiling between 40-50 or less more. Please note that smokescreen skills need 16 points Discipline - is consumed, accounting for more than half of the entire basis of Discipline. Discipline per second to restore 1 point, ready to go immediately to Discipline restore full, so a self-demon hunter can easily any a boss battle will soon be Discipline consume an empty, especially in the use of other consumption Discipline defensive skills, rather than exclusively in the smokescreen to escape on.

Therefore, many of the demon hunter uses Discipline is very cautious. So I want to use it, then I have to press the play cautious advance, trying all enemies are cited to the side, or in one direction, do not let anything near, and so on.

My DH finally evolved into a very, very Contra MF role (in the 10-20 level when the peak of about 250% of the basis of the MF), the blood is very low, only about 250 all resistance, 3500 Armor, 23K vitality. She usually will not be a hit spike, but more than twice the attack is always a threat, but even mobs may are dangerous. Harm life was about to rebound, especially when I got DH's weapon of choice - manticore.

Manticore hurt bow/crossbow, because it has a high critical damage, which is Diablo 3 in the real source of damage. Many crossbow damage than manticore, but in critical damage, they can not be compared, the critical damage is lethal to the real source. The Manticore literally overall damage is high we can not say, but it goes to 100% critical damage, while it is always at least one slot so you can mosaic Emerald. Plus archery passive increase 50% critical damage. The Manticore's slow rate of fire, which is ultimately to promote the transformation of the reasons I play re playing.

Slower Pussycat! Wound! Wound!

Then a few days ago that my demon hunter. Has decent damage, wear damage clothes around about 90,000 DPS (MF reduced to about 240%), but it feels very strange. Me almost everything I hit I reached about 51% critical chance, but only critical damage as well as the average Agility crossbow. So I can be seen in almost every hit on the yellow number with white damage, but they are almost out not much, because I do not have any increase in attack speed things tied but feels like a foot to use manticore running in the deep mud. Only 20,002 blood and low resistance, discipline and only 35 points, which makes my fault rate is quite low.

Basically, this is a very low-end figure. My ability to kill is pretty good, as long as I can like a nudist bar waitress as advancing cautiously, to avoid all contact. But even so, its propulsion speed is still very slow, hardly satisfied. Experienced brain violence RCC pure but ultimately nothing multiplayer game cooperation, I demon hunter archive up and turn to other roles brush equipment, even if her peak rating can bring 90% MF upgrade.

Yes, I betrayed her and I spend Witch Doctor and the Master to fight the rest of the purgatory journey. This is very interesting, but they are the kind of nothing special about the regular role, so I had to follow the traditional style of play, their style just like before the demon hunter feel very similar to slow the advance of an orderly (I The witch doctor wearing only hit the equipment, lawless purgatory MP1, died once), while the because their MF lowest, so they did not hit a good equipment. (But I also did not expect them, at least not like my stack of five layers of 330% MF DH so disappointed.)

But I also did not completely abandon my DH every day I will do some research, read DH Forum Posts, envy soil trenches are equipped, and then see if I have any way to be able to enhance its own. Her damage output capacity is pretty good, but the addition of everything is bad, I think ready to do it all over.

Extreme consideration

So as a woman angry do, I pouted go big some shopping. Cheap Diablo 3 gold auction house, here I come!

My DH critical chance is high enough, but not enough critical damage her life values ? and resistance is extremely low. I have a bunch of alternative equipment still I shared the box, you can easily enhance blood and anti want, blood and resistance but it is necessary to also increase the critical damage at the same time have to keep quite critical chance ... from time to meet my budget. Like the auction house slightly Search all know, once when you want to get in with an article on several different excellent affixes, and its price will be crazy rise.

Any rare items, you can spend a few cents to get a best affixes. Even the best two affixes is still quite cheap. However, if you want 3 ...... This always makes me think of those described in the "you can have any two, but you can not have all the" triangle icon. For example: 1) social life, 2) good results, 3) sleep. Etc.

Draw dark gloves and jewelry triangular icon, you can put critical damage, critical chance, increasing attack speed as the three vertices. You want the two of you? No problem. 50K D3 gold, or less. You can even get 50 or 60 of the main attributes, plus some MF and vitality, but if you stare at the 150 primary attribute all resistance, or all three attack attribute ... I wish you good luck. Search to return the results of a price, you're ready to add a zero or two zeros.

Because I have not had more than zero, but also do not want to spend money. So I chose two attack, coupled with the additional properties. Since I already have so many critical chance, so I give priority to critical damage, there is particularly increased attack speed, because the manticore really made me recall the day D2X V1.09 where use cannons.

Specific details of the upgrade items not given, but replace the shoes and shoulders, and then spent about one million to buy a new necklace, wrist guards, helmets after storm damage improved by about 150% while the loss of 15% critical chance, and also enhance the blood to 42K, full resistance to reach about 450%, the MF also reached the upper limit of 300% ...... but lower panel, no buff DPS dropped from 85K to 58K.

I always think, the D3 the DPS underestimated the impact of the attack speed and critical chance (the figures may be correct, but they did not take into account the critical hit effects, as well as faster attack speed brought energy to generate faster, etc.), However, down to 58K from 85K the DPS is indeed a huge amount of cuts, the route with the same old style of play in accordance with Alkaizer brush I have been barely able to barely passed.

However, this is a the old set play, and now I have switched skills. Smoke screen for the first time be replaced, and replaced my old friend prance. The other big change is a passive, I am leaving the archery specialization, but the other two replaced perfectionist and vengeful (the best ever skills).

Active skills, I chose a multiple shooting and bats combat pet, plus revenge the eager blood cell recovery hate and precepts. I do not have much pickup radius, so I plan every boss battle quickly energy transformed into harm blood cells, and then rely on fast recovery, so I passed prance to the shortest possible time to start the next battle.

The goal is to achieve, and I also get a lot of fun.

Of course, I went to trial under the new plus-point play, and I went straight transmitted to the the Keke Si bridge a kill to the Killing Fields. Generally speaking, this is the last Alkaizer route or penultimate, but I want to try it here first. I know multiple shooting in underground barracks terrain is worthy of the king, but before I did not achieve very good results in open terrain.

I hope I refill ammunition in Discipline, so I went to test.

Blood cells to attack energy by Discipline sub-way operation and excellent. It feels like magic, like that one day, I bought a low-level gems to upgrade, and then reselling high value stones, every ten minutes to make a 500K.

I quickly immerse themselves unable to extricate themselves, running around frantically in the surrounding terrain. The event of a huge group of strange kite-flying, shot every 0.5 seconds a string of multiple shooting, thanks to a new, faster manticore shot rate, hematocrit left by the death of an enemy and then cruising to pick up, and I tend to also use prance through / over / Skip elite mob group to pick up them at the foot of the blood cell.

Your little cage no stopping my somersault skills

Even better, these red sphere, you can continue to add my hate and Discipline while treatment I! So basically I have unlimited energy and life, because who knows? Once I have more shots, there are more monsters of death, there is more blood cells fall, so I have more energy. available to attack and escape. I even forgot to prance in V1.04 upgrade can get rid of imprisonment Discipline is just a smokescreen and it consumes half, which makes my demon hunter can move fairly quickly that I forgot the existence of a strategic advantage in favor of advantage of a more passive ...

To make a long story short, the new play work well, the first time I play Alkaizer route took about 20 minutes. Slower than profligate DH is quite a lot, but compared to before me is greatly accelerated, and I was full of MF playing (actually 305%, so I need to replace some of the items to better enhance the DPS instead of "wasting" out an additional 5% of the MF). In addition, I 58K of DPS, this data is much lower than the minimum DPS traditional Alkaizer routes. (Of course, this is why I spend 50% of the time, because I often have to put elite kite, even if it is swarmed the enemy's collapse.)

Compared to the increase in speed, fun upgrade more gratifying. That is, I the prance-Contra play like (although compared to the previous death and even less). Continuous movement, targeting, strategy, strategy and movement, positioning and so on. I like this style of play, and it requires some skill to perform (than "armed to the teeth in the auction house and station line and further skills) to death and play and my appetite.

The moral of the story

This story tells us, to try something new with your Diablo 3 role.

I use roughly the same demon hunter play adhere to a few months, and I am in the process of gradually upgrading equipment upgrade manticore rate of fire is too slow shortcomings more and makes a lot of fun lost. I have been using a cautious style of play, adhere to the known route to go, rather than to try a completely different style of play until the boring I become very boring, so I went to try some new things. This is a huge success, but even if not, at least it will be different, and prompted me to try something else.

I'm curious how it will get development. I can easily by switching a few items and then reached 10-15K DPS increase, and as long as I'm up again a few levels I will do, because I wear high MF low DPS equipment. Role as a specialized brush equipment, more DPS should be able to really play the role. This play is a lot of fun from the frantic pace, crazy adventure, I need to prance through the enemy to get more resources blood cell, perhaps I enjoy the fun of improved DPS less. Or I might choose the the MP1 difficulty to retain a certain degree of challenge and competitive factors.

As for the other roles? Like I mentioned earlier, my Master and witch doctors are to get through the purgatory Diablo, reached a peak of 6. Them equipment are pretty good, my WD is actually even higher DPS than my DH, especially when he has buffs. As for my Master? Very simple, very safe play an unimaginative [snake snow flow variants]. Like my DH.

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