Friday, December 14, 2012

Diablo 3 players share twelve tips for the novices

1, MF, GF value is a team average, brushing XX players, if you want to bring your friends, your friend wearing MF equipment, otherwise you are not open to good things.

2, MF, GF Properties of followers you can enjoy a 20%, that is, if you are dedicated roll play treasure, may as well give your followers accompanied a MF and equipment, does not need his output.

3, Additional attack speed shoes will not be calculated into the DPS, this is a BUG, ??when the repair is not known.

4, Demon Hunter critical damage, the Barbarian Monk full Resistance Mage attack speed, if your equipment with the above properties, and is suitable for the above class, you can sell a good price. (Relatively optimal Properties)

5, Nephalem BUFF stack level playing BOSS, is out of a more than two yellow equipment. (Skeleton King, butcher, Magda, than the column BOSS)

6, Melee class shield, which the most overlooked an attribute to Block and Block Value is very important, and this property can not be hard to resist, often this property is much more important than the other attributes of your shield.

7, The resurrection maximum time is 30 seconds.

8, Full Resistance including physical resistance

9, Armor harm reduction is all the damage, so do not think that a piece of equipment in addition to the armor will be eliminated.

10, Barbarians and monks to be less than the damage taken by the other three remote class 30% the same attributes hit you may seckilling, to playing melee not seckilling.

11, You played strength equipment and agile, the probability of the intellectual equipment is 1:2:2, so do not feel the force only barbarians with so many.

12, To reduce the level of use of weapons of search criteria to reduce the level of the previous level of use, for example, 60 of the equipment is reduced to 9 can be used, but only in 60 and equipment in order to search, 51 is not found.

Where to buy Diablo 3 gold ?

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