Friday, November 30, 2012

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter double WW ideas

Double WW since being barbarians developed after several versions of the classic tactical, and after other class also began to develop a similar style of play, example monks fans, 51 locusts. Double WW words should be given to the most elegant of the DH, so I try to study the possibility of DH double WW.

1. Tactical ideas

In fact, the idea is still to learn from the barbarians the double WW, ideas, at first the double WW appears mainly has several advantages, high trigger recovery capability with the strike back to bring high engine power to bring the battlefield the shuttle capacity as well as high DOT.

DH double WW to consider these aspects. I try to discover the Trail of Outside of the main stars of the continuing injury coupled with a very impressive effect similar to the the Barbarian double WW's triggering factor of 0.333.

Plus the skills shuttle battlefield DOT ability, Trail of Outside of the main stars in this build equivalent barbarians Little Tornado. Next you need to consider the core issue is how to reply?

This includes two aspects, back to the blood and back of Discipline. Follow the Barbarian double WW's ideas back to the blood by the strike back; while back Discipline rely on passive Night Lurker.

2. core equipment is selected

The choice of the core equipment:

Select dual wielding, the Night Prowler trigger a reason for the high attack speed.

Weapons: Danished's revenge choose to the high strike back 900, perforated, back to the financial resources the Select and white and abhorrence.

The weapons and strike back is the core of the build, of course, also choose high strike back yellow crossbow, but Dani Radha's revenge to another crossbow more choices, such as disaster abuse, or Dan crossbow sets, another The crossbow stays attack main attributes.

Pants: If you do not have the money, jewelry stays high strike back, the black thorns Mail breeches is a good choice. To select the 450 strike back, the other attributes to the financial. Of course not Inna's pants need other parts of the have movement speed affixes.

3. core skills to select

Of course, They are the above-mentioned Night Lurker and Trail of Cinders.

4. equipped with skills to select

Since no money, I set build or upgrade a low difficulty, MF for the main purpose of the MF stays relatively high while balancing DPS and EHP.

The weapon of choice Danished sets: double storm that is a gift, hit back to the AH 10 million to buy (now may not be so much), fancy 940 + hit back and 1.32 back abomination, this build Reply capacity primacy .

Another advantage is that a select Danished's sets must Discipline ceiling, so clothes can not.

Pants explained that, a month ago, 6 million D3 gold. The Pauldrons 7 million, good yellow fitted can also hold a high defensive attributes. Inna's set to select two, I feel for the poor cost high performance cloak of production, shoes only one random attribute good are too expensive, elected as a transitional installed on the MF, bought 2 million AH.

Slag Lacuni do not want to buy (no major Resistance), so choose a high MF yellow fitted, 4.5 crit hit, and some defense properties.

Need the other parts stays movement_path speed such research database, found endless long road package, the ring with movement_path the speed high MF, good set bonus, as well as a total of four random properties, low prices.

The final selection of rings, necklaces with critical chance, spent a total of less than 1500K. The other parts are the traditional choice, try to pick MF affixes, I remember a pickup distance, an average of about 500K.

Upgrade equipment to keep the total cost about 30 million Diablo 3 gold, this set equipped with some relatively high-priced parts.

Simple skills select grenade attack skills in order to return an abomination, Elemental Arrow with Nether TentaclesRune for the main output. In fact, the skills to select a lot, if you feel back to the Discipline enough, no need to carry ready to go, with their fighters or Fort.

5. upgrade

Equipped and skills focused on low difficulty MF and upgrade feeling well. If the blow back effect is difficult also good, put on Twilight witch different, may be comparable to the barbarians of the effect Lacuni, Natalya's ring, necklace.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Teach you to live in the harsh battlefield

How to avoid harm or less harm?

First of all, we can let the enemy can not see.

Any place where the enemy can not see, are safe. Your artillery anti can not ....

And this can not see, not just squatting on the edge of the battlefield's final. We know that the, the WOT smallest map about a range of 800 × 800, limit lit distance, but 445M, so long as you are in the distance, you either fire or maneuver are safe, which is still in The vision control the most widely Room 10. In the lower level of some of the rooms, this distance may even be reduced to 380, 330m distance, such as 59 panels vision for 380m, count the car as long and communications skills may be about 400m, but if the car is hidden not too bad 380m distance from the fire can be said to be safe, of course, established on the basis of 59 rarely with high light.

The WOT map no one is easy to have all kinds of obstacles and bushes. Accordingly, the vision of the enemy will be these barriers, grass or even just a little slant obscured. In this case, we need to see another figure 50m compulsory lit. Just keep in 50m outside, we can rely on the front said obstructions to circumvent the enemy's field of vision, so as to ensure their own safety.

Secondly, we can not let the enemy see, can not hit.

To do this, first understand the hurt from where to? Whether this bunker can be completely blocked? Which I must mention the Random Battleground more concentrated firepower opening bunker vast majority of the field can provide you with enough cover. With the passage of time, the battlefield control and strong side of the fire will gradually spread, especially mobile artillery, field absolute security bunkers will be gradually reduced until it disappears. Random Battleground strengthen the field of view on the battlefield, firepower range compression enemy space, it is the best way to provide themselves with a better defense.

Finally, the worst case, the enemy is playing.

First of thinking and hurt from where? Up Where to hurt? Then the most powerful side of the face there! This Department should be faced by high blood high the DPM, low blood face high DPH. Maybe you multi-resistant a gun on live enemy dead to protect a teammate, which brought victory.

And here there is little experience in the two cases,

Example 1: almost full of blood, E100 lit at the same time I (212) and -7, but because I hid in a lower than my body a little bit behind the rock, he is hard to hit me, and -7 at this time is a gun goods, so he went to the closing -7, and keep -7, -7 but then placed a 45-degree angle, precisely side at me, I was situation the AP successfully penetrated him the side, plus -7 penetrated his crotch, E100 lie down immediately.

Case 2: 62 a full of blood, I (261) endgame 1v1, I am near the bunker, 62a I first lit, but I did not have chance to output, 62a smoothly close 62A nearly behind from the bunker at one end around, I HE penetrated the side of the fire to lie down immediately.

These two cases are expounded from the perspective I opened artillery, in fact, since the two examples I open regardless of the heavy tank or medium tank vs artillery, as long as the blood is enough are positive Yingkang-a guns, artillery hit you front and hit the side of the result is very different. Full of blood a great chance to Great Barton positive anti-92 a gun, side, top filling the chance to lie down considerable. As in case 1, e100 almost impossible to face a normal -7 players intact, so the side facing -7 damage will not be much difference if he is to face a 212, regardless of the AP or HE, the opportunity to have a lot less damage/damage caused to him, and his anti -7 a gun taken away -7 insurable victory. 62a is the same in Case 2, 261 in addition to hitting the crotch, almost impossible positive seconds out full of blood, 62a, and his side of the face of artillery, this risk is magnified countless times.

Regardless of where, how far distance artillery, artillery attacks inevitable, reduce the chance of the artillery hit the side/top of will allow yourself to live a little longer.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Diablo 3 Expert Mode is why you should try

Expert mode is the real challenge, because you have only one life, die you have to start over. It is also because such expert mode only its indelible charm and fun. Obtained through the game's sense of accomplishment is also difficult to compare normal mode. Expert mode than normal mode for the various aspects of the many difficult, because you have to give priority to the problem of existence, and the situation of each possible accidents rapid response.

I attribute index has reached a "standard" in the experience of predecessors, but I can not remember how many times, in front of the screen in the elite reddening. Because of the widespread attack force reduction, the duration of the battle stretched dangerous conditions occur frequently. Many affixes combination is very lethal, for example, when you encounter a construction of the wall + imprisonment + blasphemy + frozen/Molten, you will obviously find terror more than the normal mode.

Why knowing will die, and there are so many players to play expert mode? Ashes spirit and love, as well as willing to challenge and unbeaten heart. Whenever monks red screen, she said, "I will come back. , Play the expert mode well prepared to greet death, but I will not just let go. How many times, a miracle happened, I successfully survived. This stimulation and excitement is really ordinary mode.

Many people say "Diablo 3" is very mediocre. No sense of accomplishment, and you can skip some and beat something you should not have to beat. The so-called role to enhance, but also through the items to increase your character's main attributes. The purgatory difficulty a variety of Contra and Super Mario, "stupid" level of difficulty did not lead to what challenges. Game very superficial economic bad. All the reason for all this is just because you play in "normal mode" - the expert mode is a whole new world, let me start from scratch and you talk about it.


Most people think that the general pattern of the economic system has been finished. Whether it is because the Bot or because the banknote soldiers the reason, most players have far more than they are supposed to be where progress. The equipment broke purgatory difficulty of little value, because the articles are not to leave the economic system and goods production too.

The items outside less than LV60 and purgatory difficulty has value. Players death will upgrade to a new role, they need new items. Before the items? Gone, consumed from the economic circle. I is not dead yet, but some of my friends' equipment loss has reached millions of Diablo 3 gold. In contrast to the common mode, this consumption economy can maintain the vitality of the expert mode.

Another reason is that the players need to equip a new shield may be able to become the savior of additional resistance allows you to safely advance purgatory difficulty. Players need to meet the challenges before first upgrading of equipment, rather than challenge or after the challenge, because you can not skip the game content, can not leapfrog to finish the work. You can not expect heaven packages of four, you need to upgrade and get more money to upgrade their equipment.

A sense of accomplishment and sense of role to enhance the substance of

For the novice, the expert mode is difficult, sometimes you may commit stupid or because of some mistakes and tragic death. Each BOSS, each group of elite, each task you have only one chance. A role does not have the opportunity again. You can only choose to kill BOSS or back to a re-. Although many players away from the expert mode, but also give you a sense of accomplishment and pride. Every time you will be dying in the face of BOSS/Elite, and then a miraculous victory over the enemy. This will force you to continue to improve and make their own powerful.

The BOSS war, only you and BOSS. Even if you know the Diablo 3 BOSS is very simple, and you will find that unless you character outbreak of a god to install, and you always live on the knife-edge. The butcher kill you the first time Hell difficulty, or Diablo kill ... your first purgatory Diablo kill ...... make you excited to stomach pains.


There are many players in the expert mode purgatory difficulty, but much less than the normal mode. Expert mode, you can not even think about a 55 Gold and 0 resistance rampant purgatory, you will die miserable. You need to Farm or purchase from the auction house to prepare. Progress to improve, albeit slowly, and you will slow down, but it all makes sense. Enhance this role of the expert mode in purgatory difficulty is the Blizzard want everyone to play.

Role into a sense

You care about your character and equip what will happen, especially after you put a lot of time. You need to ensure that all are the safest and best. You can compare, you are here to enhance and viability, compared to the normal mode "ah, my DPS panel enhance the 50". In your dying moments, all thoughts are drawn to the past, you've decided to play what kind of job, how to play how to upgrade, you will also speed brush? Can you afford to buy the equipment it? There ... you survived!

When you play the normal mode, there will be this feeling it? Adrenaline will be flowing in your blood make you tremble? I guess not.

Inevitable death, so you have to be prepared. Death may be very funny, sad may make you angry. The anger of the game on your own or the wrath of this career. According to Blizzard say, 60% of the role of the expert mode in the first act dead, so you have to stand up and accept - Death is a part of the game. Death is valuable, death is a result.

From the most simple to begin with.

Barbarian is the easiest expert mode. You can choose the tank flow but can still be easily single brush, you are an impregnable fortress, while relying on revenge brought a huge amount of damage to the enemy, and the treatment of their own.

Monk is the second easy. More than barbarians rely on the equipment, but it can still be a single brush very comfortable. Heap high resistance is the best way to survive success monks.

Witch Doctor
The witch doctor is purgatory Act One of the most common remote class. Popular due to excellent relief damage.

The magician in expert mode, they have the skills to avoid damage, and a good escape skills, while maintaining hurt. If your equipment is reasonable, the magician did not think so fragile, and more dependent on the kite.

Demon Hunter
Most vulnerable career in the game, even if you heap high survivability and take the shield. You need four defensive skills and attack skills to survive. The Barrages, ready to go, are used to smokescreen and prance survive. Many of the players to completely abandon the normal mode cavort to completely rely smokescreen. But if you are surrounded by is a dead end, so you need to prance.

Equipment selection
Stamina first?
Many people believe that the main role of the physical survival, you actually need to attack force to kill the enemy. If you can not kill the enemy, you're never die useless. Physical and the main properties of the balance is the only right way. For example, you find a pair of belt running speed, the main properties and critical chance, but there is no physical boots, you may go to the auction house to sell. But the early days a lot of people did choose purple gem to increase viability.

This property, all resistance is common in the hell late and purgatory. All resistance equipment are very expensive, totally more than physical. You need is the effective value of life, rather than the number of red balls you.

Armor also very sought after, especially melee, this is a good relief damage property.

Can not even get a shield?
Shield melee class needs. Nothing to discuss. Enters the Nightmare late you must grab a shield, dual wielding will be very dangerous. Additional armor, stamina and parry damage reduction is the key to ensure the survival of the Block is a very good defensive attributes.

Remote class is very controversial. Class deputy, some people choose to get higher injury and rely on to avoid being attacked to rely on the operating, while others will choose a shield. My own choice the Shield Block Buff and I can get my operation can not do the best, a shield, said I will be in three times the death is not two, so I'd rather sacrifice some DPS.

I can safely survive in purgatory?

Note: I do not care about before you is not playing 0 against 20,000 blood Contra, because you too can look straight ahead. Defense value is the value of the "safe" These data are for the first time into the the the expert mode purgatory difficult players to do reference.

The question I will try to do our best to answer. As said before, the effective HP is the key in purgatory depending on your resistance. In my view the most important resistance should fire (fire chain, shelling, Molten, profanity) and physical resistance. Arcane, pestilence, and frozen the kind you standing in the wrong position on the spike. All resistance properties., But as I said before, is king, you need to got enough to do to enter purgatory hell/forging through the auction house or Farm.

Shun said, 40K actual blood is a very good amount of blood. You can more less forty thousand blood to enter purgatory is relatively security.

(Note: The following data is based on version 1.0.2, now should be subject to change)

The resistance required in each class is different. Barbarians who, my friend Armor heap to a 70% reduction in the damage, and 200-250 all resistance began to enter purgatory and fight the Skeleton King. Barbarian DPS has never been the problem, a lot of people only 8000 DPS still very comfortable to play, which I'm assuming you are in the single-handed + shield and rely revenge.


Witch Doctor
Shamans need to increase by passive relief The DAMAGE, up to 40%. Pet. 200 all resistance to the minimum standards of security. You can be less if the DPS is fierce enough to enter directly from hell purgatory. Heap to 200 all resistance is not difficult.

If your shield 200 is, If you do not heap to 300. Heap as a magician, this value is relatively easy because energy armor.

Mercenaries are
I feel the the 250-300 all resistance (especially fire resistance), so I eat the 1-2 under shelling scared wet his pants, had to take a shield. Before 175 all resistance, high damage exaggeration, I feel that the zombies are terrible in the purgatory of the first act. As a hunting demons were not truly "safe" at all, no matter how much of your strong efforts of the resistance, armor or equipment. You will always be more damage than other occupations. Kite tactics, you dodge ability and timing of smokescreen used to master is your best resistance. I will recommend that you upgrade before you enter the purgatory of resistance and defense to be able to withstand the attack about 3 Next Goodbye red better.

How to play

Most people choose the 3-4 defensive skills and a monomer skills/generate skills and an AOE skills/consumer skills. You do not need more skills to be able to get rid of BOSS. Your killing speed slower than the normal mode, but the benefits of slow to improve your ability to survive, "raped red!" This situation is also less together.

Help each other

Multiplayer mode monster additional damage is removed to form a squad of 2-4 people is always better than a single brush good. You can fight the monster faster while helping each other. Mention and reliable teammate to play with and will always be the best game atmosphere.

But the most important thing is making new friends, you dead in the future there will be more help. You're gonna die, you need new items. Your friends will be happy to help you, of course, you have to repay them. Yesterday I put a 800 DPS single hand weapons to the barbarians of my friends. If I sell, and make a few millions D3 gold easily. But I know that if he found a great bow, he would give me. Similarly, he found a pair of quick boots, and I have the boots of a force we will exchange. Therefore, you should understand that the help of friends to give up, find some people to play and enjoy the game, can recover faster.


All Diablo 3 bored people are playing normal mode, I suggest you try the expert mode. Equipment and powerful enemies kill your great sense of accomplishment. Expert mode the game more interesting and meaningful, so give it a try.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Diablo 3 Barbarian immortal weapons Double WW tear build sharing

Paragon grade bonus effect can not be ignored, now low difficulty brush experience to become a many savages choice. Where in our harrogath plate, also emerged many genres mowing build, such as double-suction the Cleave flow, Hammer stream.

Many barbarians, for example, me, DPS 100K,HP 30K-50K, Overall, the indicators are not high not low; neither Leoric'ring, not Kane'set, nothing more than experience plus equipment The head ruby and hands of hellfire ring.

Mowing brush 0 difficulty, feel wasted the addition of the MP; 1 difficulty mowing worse then a little; dual wielding butchers hook and white bug hammer price is too high; bleed stream, attack speed is too slow.

As a barbarian, when I sleep at night pondering the pros and cons of various build and play, and also several tests, always feel awkward.

Finally, I conclude, found that the efficiency of low difficulty mowing nothing more than to have a few conditions:

1, Fury is enough.

2, The damage must be adequate and sustained.

3, The high running speed.

4, survive.

Double WW based on the above points, identified the following programs:

After 1.05, Barbarians called ancestors'cohesion Slam 406.

Mowing time, we may wish to look at here: tear - fragmented, within 5 seconds of 903% damage. Has been tested the MP1 underground battlefield booms magic can kill, eat a tear. Whirlwind sprint plus exhaust, to meet the second point, the damage to be sufficient and sustained;

With enough damage skills, taking into account the first point, the fury, the solution is to say nothing: Immortal 5 + passive unforgivable + Left Slam - incitement + imminent + meet the enemy anger sing + see below , at the same time ensure that the clothes and jewelry with critical chance;

The third point, high running speed, I can not afford the movement speed pants, only to immortality shoes + Lacuni 24 movement speed + sprint, can guarantee speed;

Fourthly, to survive, I believe the level with me almost savage, MP1 survival is not a big problem.

The following grand launch my weapon of choice:

Immortal suit heavy weapons - the immortal king crushed rock

I chose to use it to cut grass for the following reasons:

1, Heavy weapons - with weapons master passive further ensure fury reply;

2, high white words - can be with 1600 + white characters, assurance tear damage (903% weapon damage)

3, low price - this is my experiment 600K diablo 3 gold purchased in auction house;

4, Attack per Second bonus comes Attack per Second - tearing action!

5, Skill Bonus - Whirlwind addition of the rate of violence is the highest 9 points! In this build, the Whirlwind played two roles, one is rushed out of the monster heap, the second is incidentally part of the damage.

6, packages attribute - the immortal five sets to reach a suite property, no one can liberate your head, hands, belts, shoes, breastplate! Ice climbing? witch Exclusive? Twilight? All you can!

Few pieces I really own production witch different, but I immortal tear on the belt less anger 5 points attribute, or not change the belt.

I operate several times, to sum up operating essentials, the basic fact is the Double WW is very easy to learn:

1, I only brush 2 underground floors and battlefield; intensive a reason - a monster.

2, double cyclone heap into the monster - tear - double the whirlwind a monster heap.

3, Elite monster: hanging tear + plus Double WW whirlwind when the count down when strong life remember mend torn.

Note: tearing effect does not stack, not attached to the same group of monsters tear fee gas.

Advantages: Fast, but peace of mind, not found to eat the tear will not die and white monster. Ordered elite Succubus same look buttoned.

Data: I tested, MP1, to brush 2 underground floors and battlefield again, head the Redstone hand Prison quit, the seven minutes 5110K experience. This calculation, removing the advance and retreat of the game, one hour relaxing 40 million experience.

Postscript: 40 million experience one hour is not much, this build Double WW branch, not new, was also used, is not new.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Frost Mage civilian equipped experience: you save more money

I probably have more than two weeks to play Frost Mage. Initially play the blacks, but I see that things will pick up the habit and black play out of tune, and it turned into an infinite to Frost Mage.

I spent a lot of Diablo 3 gold, and only then the Master dubbed play 7pp, itself equipped civilians, no three attack equipment.

Here are some of my civilian equipped experience:

1, if you are not so short of d3 gold, more weapons is strongly recommended speed 1.63 chrysanthemum flowers. I'm not here to hype it resolved in large part to Frost Mage DPS burst back speed. Emerald can be rapid increases in the 50% critical chance you nearly 50% of the layout, and 1.63 speed allows you to save a lot of other equipment Attacks per Second affixes.

2, 6 9 Attacks per Second affixes Required Natalya's clothes, witch iso, you will find that you are equipped to select more than in other parts of the many. You do not have to go to the face the astronomical Lacuni's twilight bald.

3, critical hit, secondary, gloves unshakeable 10% critical chance, necklaces fight for more than 9% critical chance.

4, in any case, Life on Hit heap 1000 +. To Frost Mage Although control and strong, but in the face of many fast + Teleport remote elite, Life on Hit is always the protection you survive in the difficult. Also recommended the best choice for high endurance black thorns pants civilians.

5, select Zunimassa's ring + Zunimassa's shoes or Inna's ring + Inna's shoes, in fact, not much different. I chose Zunimassa's ring + Zunimassa's shoes, so that later if you want to dress up the expense is not large. In addition, with critical chance Zunimassa's ring and Inna's ring are very expensive.

6, crow head Resistance nonporous Attacks per Second, the head to do it was unable to do. But it's hit back to the liberation of your ring necklace.

7, crit chance + critical damage the necklace than crit chance + Attacks per Second necklace cheap.

8, in the other parts of you with a good final consideration you need what kind of rings and necklaces. Rings and necklaces properties is complicated and expensive, the finalization of this site can save a lot of money. The civilians nor recommended Natalya's necklace, high crit chance expensive and not civilians need to consider elements by damage.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Diablo 3 mid Wizard duration Archon detailed tutorial

First, you have to recognize your own abilities and Diablo 3 gold in 1.05, according to your abilities.

From 1.04, Wizard was significantly weaken, Blizzard raise the cost of unlimited ice one hand, on the one hand, let the Master diversification play.

First introduce a low-end players can not be maintained at 1 to 4 difficulty unlimited black mix of skills:

The left button: strong light waves (the chaotic light nuclear Rune), this skill appears to not be of much use, but because of the many newcomers feel the blacks very difficult (brush the low CD painful viability).

Strong light waves is a good choice for you, Rune advantage is that when the monster when you rush, you can temporarily give up the little monster your feet, scattered light beam will kill them, the damage is not low.

Right key: Storm Armor (Stormwind energy), less Arcane Power consumption, not more than that Arcane Power reduce actual cost 8, if easy to die-for Mito Armor.

1 key: diamond skin (the Crystal skin or energy-saving Ling mirror), defensive skills, energy-saving skin we can see the intense light directly reduce cost 7. Fierce light a total of 18 Arcane Power so that the actual cost is 11. Arcane energy is greatly reduced.

2 key: the magic blood magic weapon (the magic boot or back), this is quite controversial. I use Arcane Power weapons, and the reason is very simple, I was much longer in order to strong light time. Vampire weapons with the vampire.

3 keys: teleport (avatar transmission), this Rune I order new so you open avatar better attract strange attention, reduce damage Mami.

4 keys: high-energy the Archon, high damage, can also be used to send Archon.

Passive: Spirit sentiment: allows you to increase the cap 20 2 points recovery increased, your fierce light waves more permanent. (Mainly the restoration of multi-2 points.

Critical mass: not saying much.

Illusion Mastery: easy to use (will bring) a life-saving skills.

Set of skills can make your Arcane Power rarely run out, can be said for the novice 0-4 Starter Edition blacks. Of course, have to learn to walk.

Recommendations with equipment: weapons recommended the selected physical harm, physical weapons enjoy elements addition [Life Steal] cheap U.S. server wand.

Deputy: To dps pick 3 even, but it is recommended to choose a back Arcane Power adder, the instruments used are relatively cheap, back to the fans 10 average damage not sell 30 million of the 250 of the U.S. server.

Head: crow head first burst back (Mage must have skills continuity), followed by blood back strike back, there is Lightning Damage increased by 8, enjoy Bonus] Physical weapons. U.S. server with crit hit about 10 million, with no crit hit cheaper.

Best to wear less Fierce light waves 5 Arcane Power Jordan, Jordan's many benefits. First, he Arcane Power caps 15. Second, the elite injury 30 (large role). The most important additional skills Lie lightwave reduced by 5 other elements in addition bonus physical weapons.

This build with unlimited ice build mainstream and unlimited blacks build contrast advantages and disadvantages of Notes.


1. crit hit and attack speed do not need to heap too high, the crit hit only need about 40 attack speed does not matter (Of course, these two attributes course, the higher the better) to unlimited ice crit hit and attack speed reaches a certain percentage.

But also the need to the crit hit over 45 points and 2.1 above the IAS brush CD or monster came from ice to live, the unlimited high crit hit blacks is also a need to brush Negro CD, and in order to continue to blacks, that a sense of tension, novice once broken Blacks, is relatively weak.

2. dps do not need to be too high, I brush of 5pp only 100K dps 43 points crit hit 2.12 attack speed, you do not have to brush up tens of thousands of DPS unlimited blacks, believe that the the many mage friend basic block 100K + dps.

If you brush with unlimited ice and unlimited blacks tired, you can spend a little money to play with this build liberation under the fingers and tense spirit.

3. Not need to worry enough Arcane Power, Arcane Power Basic will not be broken, sometimes not even out Arcane is Power.

4. Encountered Goblin, do not see black CD and there is no monster.


1. And unlimited blacks reflection damage headache.

2. Brush 6pp below or can I experimented brush 6pp need to upgrade dps to 150K and appropriate survival attributes.

3. May not need to worry blacks off the vacuum, and efficiency compare unlimited blacks.

This build attention points:

1. Encounter reflection injury suggestions or transfiguration blacks, after all, this Liebo Rune light is scattered attacks, the scattered attacks can not control, to hit the multiple reflection damage elite monster or too much.

2. Witch best lift points physical best physical and strike back Mizraim Muslims, can enhance the viability of the witch, and that weapons play the devil with your own avatar can create opportunities for themselves Zhan Zhuang output.

3. Transfer to avatar.

4. There is this build major for novices to provide a new way of thinking, so they brush Fig election build one more choice for the road, after all, in their own feet.

Character attributes diagram:

dps 100K +, Armor 4100 + 40.5 crit hit 2.12 attack speed and 210 crit is damage, all resistance 500 +, 2.5 vampire nearly 400 strike back 20 points crit hit back Arcane is Power, 39K Blood 12 points per second back to Arcane Power, 145 Arcane Power ceiling.

Jordan is 28 points Elite damage, the Fierce Light Wave Arcane Power by 3, the crow 3.5 crit is hit very common.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The answer about Goblin damage "immune"

Some players said he found a Goblin attacked may occur "immune". In this regard, Community Manager Lylirra answer:

About Goblin damage "immune"

Why 400K damage on Goblin, then he will be in 1-2 seconds immune damage and escape before being hurt again, and again after the immunization?

If I can be two to kill a Goblin, I can do it. In particular, I go to catch up, hit what, you can not hurt it again, it ran into 15 fanatical believers masses, and I was blown away. I always feel that every time playing. : (

Immune design, which is to ensure Goblin their effect can be well done(so that they are inverted before to be hit can have time to escape). This is since we have set, after the sale was never to turn over.

The current situation is that the Goblin because the monster strength system has a higher value of life, every hurt you can pay attention to your attention will be even more so when they immunization. I understand the immunity should only occur when the fighting began a few encounters.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Mana return of design problems and limitations

Witch Doctor's Mana problem, in my view, is a can not change the maximum mana, cast animation and like other professions as equipment combination to solve many problems. I recommend not suitable for using the word "Farming", compared to other occupations, if your monster strength grade, failing a move seckill, it can not be called Farm - because for one purpose into a very inefficient PvE intensity level.

Recent rework, Diablo 3 encountered a strange phenomenon of the "highest level" defined. But let us assume that the MP10 is just a game, "the highest difficulty level, we are the worst career in the viability and efficiency of this difficulty. This is a very objective assumptions, because the MP10 fighting can be used to the closest viable content is fighting the duration and movement speed requirements.

If all the current mana return, unless it is pure support, shamans damage compared to other professional capacity is very low, but have often evaded the enemy to keep enough mana, or give up the mana maintained through passive skills to enhance defense capabilities while reducing output.

The point of contention is that the mana return mechanism changes, so we think we have a program diversity. Our program is limited, while others are still full of fantasy stage. Witch Doctor barely three characteristics than other occupations more efficient programs, each program are needle push different purposes and monster strength grade - and all of these programs require special equipment combinations to perform to its optimum effect - - far exceeds the world situation is a set of equipment to go in the other class usually the case.

I can set out the appropriate strength grade of these programs, it is not a secret, but it will make its deviation from the original intent of this post - I can tell you is that the barrage of fire bats and soul, or a recent 1.0.5 DoT skills, a significant strengthening of the Blizzard development team are still not the best - this is the witch doctor class status.

We have to remember the following points:

Monster strength in can seckill enemy - we are in the same equipment, efficiency and other occupations are the same.

- We have a highly efficient but very mana very limited program, including push Bear - (since the Diablo 3 release, Blizzard still think this is not to solve a BUG)

Powerful support configuration - we can provide powerful support moderate damage.

In addition to the pure support type configuration, there is no any kind of advancing further in the current game content.

Speaking of the cast animation, the the only underperforming volley ghost can do damage perfect move. Let us barbarians dual cyclone as the perfect cast animation or I like called no cast animation example. This process is called "positive feedback" engineering. As long as you can break through the breakpoint / stable point, rotation will provide power for themselves; although we can do it in a low monster strength - Witch Doctor Kills return Mana mechanism is not sufficient to maintain the current progress of the game, in the top gear The pickup range rarely become constraints where our breakthrough.

Too many important skills are very slow closing strokes, or affected by distance restrictions lead to lead to poor cloth bit more mana cost. Although you stack attack speed, critical hit and critical damage of a solution, but does not solve this problem. Due to the lack of a perfect animation, mana cost majority are wasted, wasted skill slot, reducing the maximum feasible the DPS. Also, many of us are too important skill fixed, such as voodoo ceremony, you increase the difficulty of the game, its efficiency does not meet your high operating gameplay.

Compare other professional witch doctor equipment available amount, my view, lead to the last link of the mana problems. Theoretically, you consume little magic can average how much damage equal to your witch doctor equipment.

I suspect that some of the items

For example, two holes manticore, and is equipped with the quiver dual wield program is by no means the way of thinking of the design intent or the role of the late. Other professions, such as magician 10% attack speed Buddha Tourbillon duo of law, there can be 18% damage and crit back Triple orb, the best equipment can theoretically witch doctor are not comparable and the Master. Contrast other career-best result of each of our resource consumption caused less damage, increase our mana problems. Unlike melee, we can not give up the high survivability. Take the example of the world's first witch doctor "Cash" - his equipment comparing other top fitted with other professional players simply come from another planet, his potential DPS in the game and our program feasibility, be restricted by the above the Witch Doctor occupational restrictions and said the senior deputy.

Contrast, the witch doctor deputies best late attribute should be standard back blue or consumption of reduce affixes. 14 mana regeneration benefits far better than 18% pure damage bonus and the crit hit back can back can be 10% attack speed and crit, 20% Quiver IAS or by the obtained dual wielding DPS melee Life Pirates take and attack speed increase. Witch Doctor's equipped with a very bad design choice, and together with the cast animation constraints and the overall low DPS high mana cost skills - resulting in a maximum potential has been constrained by mana consumption caused by the outbreak of the less. This makes the witch doctor to obtain high efficiency replacement program, it takes more energy to collect the whole set of equipment. You need to collect the abyss Monster, with vampire Adams Cowen ax Yucca match snakes, critical dog suit ... only in order to maximize the potential. Results is to do one hit kill monster strength, our items collected and fitted to become the most important issue, unlike other professions, as long as the set of basic equipment on it.

Although I would love to see the crit hit back to the blue, and I also hope that we can in the "highest degree of difficulty and the other professions" has used to program configuration crit Blue's ability to hit back, it will not appear we low damage. Equipment good as a witch doctor, too many constraints.

I do not believe that other professions need to limit or Nerf. Because the general public believe that the performance of these occupational useful to play the point.

I questioned the Blizzard in the recent patch witch doctor skills changes but not on our efficiency with the core skills affect. This is the lead designer do not know enough of class, or testing not enough.

I hope to hear more of your better improved the Witch Doctor mana return mechanism, and work together so that the witch doctors and other professions stand on the same starting line.

Diablo 3 gold

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Death to eternal life: Diablo 3 HC Demon Hunter mechanized propulsion flow

105 has been a month, normal mode has been no challenge, with large forces have easily reached 100, the game is getting no fun.

The first thing to emphasize is that in the 105 significantly weaken purgatory, hc has not difficult clearance.

DH as a remote class in HC mode has the following characteristics:


1. The entire game in the true sense of a remote class across the screen kite and diverse deceleration control makes DH do not like the other class as often put themselves in danger and uncertainty among.

2. In the low-end equipment is still very strong, sustained dps.

3. Very hard pet can eat purgatory diablo fireball


1. Fragile

2. Recovery capability. Lack of high-strength, HC inside vampire wings are almost useless, because your dps suck do not come back. Only reply means hitting back and seconds back. But not good heap.

3. Specific combinations of monster extremely afraid.

4. Lack of viability after dropping, it is a problem to be solved long survival.

In general, avoid weaknesses. DH is a suitable combination of career of trench warfare and warfare, based on the full establishment of good terrain advantage, reduce or even eliminate withstand the damage and the output is the core idea of the HC DH.

build: primary weapon chase addicted to arrows (phagocytosis) the secondary weapon electricity ball. Smoke bomb (smoky or buildup), claw thorn (jagged spikes pushed diagram or difficult scenes for move an inch), wild boar, change it (first-aid station or guardian to change it, depending on the hardness).

Passive: Archery Specialization, perfect, contemplation.

build explanation:

First tracing arrows do not need to explain.

The electric ball does not need explanation.

The smoke bomb actually tumbling alternative, but the premise is that you have a very high ehp is. But I still recommend a smoke bomb, because you accidentally eat should not eat this time roll will not save you.

The nail claw thorn, because here is a HC, you wasteland the 20K panel has very luxurious, so you are bound to kite.

Change it, to ibid, because your biggest problem is, change it is the best means of the low end of the next upgrade dps dps.

Wild boar, wild boar can monster blocked, can not bat, so never consider another pet. The monster blocked the output is the fastest dps.

Before playing any monster, all you have to do things first: build your terrain to your advantage. What does that mean? In front of you, it should be a narrow junctions, monsters such as wild boar, and Kou Mark will get stuck, you should be followed is a spacious open space, there is no monster.

Please keep in mind, it can kill you must terrain, rather than a monster, which For HC the DH is the most important.

At the foot of a trap, a tower of started to play, stuck elite on the hard just, card not live on a trap is a tower of battle and retreat, not greedy, not the effect.

Equipment, the players I recommend wasteland with shields Dan main hand, this is the best combination of the wasteland, high safety factor, because DH Armor for wasteland you also 3000, more than a shield directly to the next level. Block dodge greatly improve survival in complex conditions.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Each class collocation and perfect 64 times outbreak of output problems

First of all, we have to know that how to calculate the output now? The panel * skills proportion + ending constant variable is fatal, attribute attack, eventually, stacked ice increase magic attack and physical attack attributes resistance to increase, fatal directly and white * 2, attribute attack eventually stacked ice * 2, attribute resistance according to the attribute attack, also * 2.

Well, soon concluded that the damage variable is constant damage 64 times. All occupations, which career to become the darling of 64 times?

From the theoretical point of view, the dominant attribute attack class attribute attack class, what does?

Cross, alchemical elements, Carly. With the the dark main hand panel will certainly be a lot lower, so will not be considered. But no less fire resistant and anti-dark skills, Dance and Carly brush down.

Crusaders and alchemy has become a major outbreak of the first of the DPS, is not only possible because of the the attributes attack and resistance perfect 100% bonus, and the outbreak of the skills, this skill is to phase out the reasons Ice Spirit.

No class attribute attacks only turned up 16 times, which show that the class of property attacks higher growth than the class of non-attribute attack in people with this team the Cross and alchemical based output is not Second choice.

The following describes the various types of addition skills and the the fatal attribute attack ultimately decided by itself, can not be changed.

Stacked ice: magic guide, elements Icetip column, alchemical and beam Ice Spirit skills.

Increased attacks: Juggernaut hammer 50% double attack (skills), Sharpshooter targeting 30% (skills), magic mirror magic attacks, Sage the Sunder physical attack, the bundled EX magic attack, disease EX double attack, the love virus attack magic.

Properties Resistance: light resistance: Raytheon earth worship stick, lightning storms, electro-optical arrows, chains, Sage Ray red; Ice Resistance: elements of a variety of skills; 4 attributes resistant: alcohol.

Is not difficult to find, the above one-on-one on a particular aspect or aspects of the increase can be enlarged to the limit, easy to maximize the output, then the ensuing a 8PP match structure also ready to come out.

As we all know, the Cross and alchemical outbreak of type class, coupled with ritual magic guide, Ice Spirit, Juggernaut, Arrow of God, a perfect 64 times the damage may be embodied.

Before the people for all kinds with the controversy lies in the details of the configuration, the Crusaders, Ice Spirit, undoubtedly; Raytheon or saints, is that you need to output or protection, according to your needs. Brutal fact that cuttlefish, and time and space has become a choice; The sword Wong Moonlord, not much different preferences, like continuous output the final explosive buckle blood; St. and Pharmacy, the difference is that alcohol and beam and love viral diseases EX personal view is now a maximum bonus of 100% only the addition of Juggernaut and Arrow of God has been 80%, and the magic mirror and Sage Sunder become the last straw that breaks the camel, 100% is possible, this time again to love virus and disease damage bonus, the cost is not high, and vice versa to see alcohol and ice beam double wisdom suffix 20% + Chain 15 flash Wind 15, Ray rushed 15 earth 10 +, stick electro-optic arrow 10 also 15 remember, doing 100 is certainly less than ice beam is also holy persons and an output skills, with the magic Glacial Spike also ensure the existence of two layers of ice in 4PP and personally recommend St. disabilities.

In so doing seven occupations: Cross, Ice Spirit, worship, cuttlefish, time and space, Juggernaut, St. disabilities; alive and standing before output, then Ares or Carly become the last choice, the two of them the difference between Where is it?

God of War: the destruction of the group of iron, battle roar, Highland, damage type has been positioned in the defensive relief;

Carly: screaming, puppet, small incarnation, is located in the output increase type;

Very simple configuration out need for super-speed push outbreak of type output, to bring Carly and Raytheon; defensive back like saints and God of War is your best partner.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor team up to increase the presence of experience sharing

In 1.0.4 medium-term, I played Master 300 hours, I've always liked the D2 Necro, so I transfered a 170K Master equipment to the Witch Doctor who only 100K+, a lot of equipment is actually not the same, you need to transfer one by one.

Panel: My equipment is relatively common. Many WD players should be able to reach my panel, paragon LV30, high level players should have higher intelligence / endurance and MF. (Blood brush equipment, about 62K, 72% life, team 8PP playing the organ when I put the stamina gem, for a high endurance MF necklace, head plus the 18% ceiling.) pickup range at 10.

Equipment building ideas: I think in addition to open basic pick-up, blood anti-armor the WD or stacked intelligence, so that no matter single brush or playing organ, harvesting / feast brings you a lot of DPS and avoid injury.

In addition, a lot of bloodshed WD must pay attention to, critical hit our DPS is too low will affect critical damage is up, but the critical hit, critical damage bleed stream income low.

Team must guarantee a certain amount of blood and the whole anti-attacks, Armor 3700 + income is low, and the whole anti-attacks hit 8PP should guarantee a minimum of 750, another blood no upper limit, all rely vampire recovery occupational.

The talent follows: Life, I have 888 caps and 80's back to the blue/second, head back to blue buy group head, generally with a blood sacrifice to ensure that no major non-toxic when life additional tracking bomb so that most of the time in Gangmu in playing time, but also to ensure that 70% of the time kept playing.

Set fitted and talented core, and the experience:

We all feel difficult Skeleton King + Magda, and Kule + siege beast of a combination of the most disgusting, Gangmu and Teleport male general can play the 7PP more friends, no problem.

1, Armor fear turned nearly 8000 armor, to ensure that no the spring brother left some blood skin many times spike opportunity, fear summon small monsters and Magda has miraculous.

Magda will be fear of 3 to 4 seconds, including the location is not good, do not pull, hide in the light beam heap can use fear to control, shift, when we hit 4 people 8PP, except for the first DH to pull click Magda, the rest of the time I came to fear, CD gap addition to escape Swarm, little other questions.

2, pigs change: 20% damage bonus beautiful addition to Kule control is very cool, our team considering I have big voodoo, DPS is relatively high, arrangements DH went to pull Kule, a lot of times the DH opened Kule died, my spirituality ran Pigs + rescue and the Kule meet becomes one go.

3, Track playing to ensure the back Blue + comfortably isolated BOSS.

4, the ceremony, the guarantee will not eat their next time control, or excellent output location, then open. Do not open one, arrested Engineering beast, or moves to escape flying props to give up their position, but also optimistic about the location of his teammates.

Many old WD told our team WD is auxiliary + control + DPS triple. Do a good job on these points, I believe that the device everyone in the team will be able to play the biggest role.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Diablo 3 tips: Tornado Ice Master how to kill the Goblin

When you kill goblins difficulties, the following may be helpful.

Basic requirements:

1, 24 speed. 24 speed can guarantee your speed and Goblin consistent.

2, site-clearing. If not all site-clearing, expel goblins to the cleared area as much as possible.

3, The best main hand is magic wand.

Clear the scene, near the Goblin, Goblin will not be the first time to run away, near the triple burst, you can count time, first under burst when frozen live Goblin then forced to greet it.

Goblin off the ice, you do not easily attack it, chasing it ran, encircling it with their bodies to prevent ran out of the scope of your control, personal bombardment, and other attacks do not use, do not ice unless too far away do not use the transfer easily Goblin anti-run transmission.

The goblins stopped running, flew with a whirlwind attack, could not wand Pugong for, strange blocked off on the flash to the side to play, in short, do not let the goblins from attack for too long, do not use other attacks. Goblin beaten will continue to run, you will continue to recover.

Goblin suffer double whirlwind or common attack, do not run, is to open the door. At this time the ice immediately live it! Put everything into it that greeted basically single kill an elite. But the speed must be fast, to open the door after the ice to continue.

Other electric armor will be helpful when the kill goblins, but there are also disadvantages.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Barbarians quickly brush legend and pinnacle 30 million experience per hour


1. First, you should establish a progress of Azmodan door (that is, every time you are on-line in Azmodan door)

2. Brush back to the delivery point, sent to curse layer then back went to the giant pit second floor.

3. Giant pit two-story back brush to teleport sent to severance sin layer. Brush circle to the delivery point.

4. Sent to Kesike Bridge, circling brush again returned to the delivery point.

5. Sent to the fortress third floor, brush from the third to first layer, and then return to the city. Requires experience because the fortress brush figure can also be sent directly to the first floor, and then brush the fortress layer.

Basic equipment:

Weapons: Adams Cowan ax (casually buy a high-damage on the line, very cheap)

Ring: hellfire demon ring. If the conditional can choose to buy a is Leoric Ring, the price is a little high. The money can be considered.

Recommended that other equipment can be a little pickup radius. At least to reach more than 10. Recommended to ward off evil and shoulders and pants, because it is very cheap.

Helmet: must with empty inlaid rubies plus experience. Immortal now very cheap.

Bracers: best buy Lakuni, without crit very cheap. Because we only need 12% movement speed.

If you own a single brush to pet bring hellfire demon ring.

If you can afford to buy some GF, MF combat equipment.

If you have enough money to supporting immortal sets can increase efficiency.

Only brush 1PP, you will find many more legendary than you want to fight other difficulty out and experience soaring.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

DNF easy ways to make money: more suitable for civilians

If you do not want to spend money and spent the money of the people can reach in the game, it is not possible ...

However, it is not to say that this game can not play at no cost, contract and fashion of the day-to-day needs of the devil, we can earn.

Fashion, better equipped to be a civilian players want to get money, everyone has their own money tips, I can only say that here own a small way to make money. For most civilian players are very easy to accept, because the cost is very small, and the return is also good!

I was practice enchanters to make money, cards Baozhu are expensive, the fee will be more expensive, only buy a donkey. But when the Enchanter rise to a certain series only to find enchanters is not that we want to make money, big investment and is not suitable for most players (then later explained this really the deputy job is not to make money). Between my anguish how to make money with this donkey, and finally found their own small way to make money now for everyone to share.

What is it? Very simple design and equipment.

Do not know if you have found that low-level (LV 30 or so) equipment is actually more than fifty of the equipment is more expensive, while the design is very cheap, very cheap, made of the cost of the equipment is very, very low. We start from here, from heavy armor and light armor to start, the greater the demand.

A price less than 20K, and materials needed for your point is Lucinda brazier use volume, was a 5000, other materials believe that everyone, like a rusty piece of iron, a rough piece of cloth, subordinate elements crystal Shackleton's seal, these things still exist. Okay, so doing, make an equipment cost only about 30K. Finished generally in the auction price has 50K must register to do so, one can earn at least 20K. Poor or civilians are very suitable for little money. Low cost, the market is good, do 10 a day you can earn 2K. Do screenshots as heavy armor light armor, only to wear heavy armor light armor Occupation can buy. You do professional sets their own narrow market.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor BUILD in different MP

I think the play is BUILD witch doctor with skills in response to different situations change, making the team when the team is more powerful

I think the fastest burst dog stream of acid Bear single brush, some spare cash I have recently burst dog study, it is really the length of each

Basically, I will equip and BUILD classified as four categories

The first is the first class: acid Bear burst dog stream

Fried with endless explosion dog group monster

Basically ran below the M6, cutting, rain, explosive dogs, bears look can be cleared away all the little monsters

In fact, the bear is really elite is rather used mobs, only 3 strokes can be cleared away a lot of

Dog attack by 15%, with ghastly harvest the entire output to efficiency

So I hit the bear / dog a lot of time to be able to play 80-1400K damage

Second class: nanny type

IAS faster the burst dog will be the more blood cells, and the blood will be more in the low level of equipment, be regarded as a complement qualified (?) Can also tie frog rain / acid rain strange blue to ice

The third category is the explosion of the ultimate attack dog type witch doctors

(Of course, fast attack speed and more blood cells, but this attack force under Health burglary is able to breathe a good amount of blood)

With a click back to acid rain and stop the blood cells generated with ghastly

Far strange acid rain back to the blood together with the explosion this dog back to the blood, is probably the first place about acid rain, then go after the explosion dog

In fact, the benefits of farming out of course, no running speed flow fast acid Bear, cool degree full is not really much slower, because the dog is 12 yards range technology

Clean-up group of monsters also soon beneath the high-end equipment, the higher the MP feel the closer the bear stream, because the blame should be long-term standing fight, because the explosion dog can return to the blood relations so resistant to more than Bear stream Meng strong attack and stood in a more dangerous place, burst dog DPS is limited equipment may not Youxiong flow but playing out of harm Bichon flow, high MP becomes bad because ghastly, but also back magic skills in BUILD inside, but burst dog MP6 above can still be used in ghastly (damage can easily to more than one million, the highest with the big witch playing elite 1.4 million damage) (also the royal corpse increased penetration OR critical dog single times the power), so the higher the MP, in fact, in the high-end equipment with the explosive dog is a lot of fun. Course! Really the most efficient, but also bear flow (always a straight line bears the damage is really too high) but explosive dog is still an acceptable level.

The fourth category is Red Gate type, high MP acid Bear type

Blood with strike back to note that, back to the magic skills also tied, but the brush will be more stable

Bears are really strong, but I think that is diverse skills with the outside mainly in Bear, as greatly with more than 2 attack speed, play the ultimate return of magic configuration explosive greatly play 0CD bear flow

Witch Doctor is really diverse

Above the relatively high-end equipment, but to reach this level is a matter of time, and also to thank my friend loaned equipment a test explosions dog taste!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Resurrection time penalty will be modified in the next patch

Game of death is a painful thing. You have to once again re-challenge the powerful BOSS, dance mat dodge attacks and attack, or a variety of QTE (Of course, in Diablo) or sights the timing Mengza keyboard output, you need to have again challenge.

Diablo God 3 STD mode, player death will lose 10% of the equipment durable, there will be a resurrection of time to punish (if you die too many times), and most critical, if you are in the underground city The end of the death, you have to run the road. Has been the double penalty of time and money, why do we need more time and operating again?

Community Manager Lylirra rejected the players raised the battle flag as the idea of ??resurrection point. But she also made it clear that resurrection time of the players in the next patch will be fixed for five seconds to improve the resurrection time and Paolu time to double punishment.

About Resurrection of time to punish

Please allow us to be placed in the underground city banners, so that we can be resurrected after death in senki nearby.

Every time finally died in the underground city and then have to start again at the entrance, kept to escape. After you die too have a resurrection time penalty. We do not want to escape the extra time spent in advancing again.

This would be a cool feature for people who want to play so. If you do not, no problem. I do not think this is what interrupted game.

Thank you for your consideration.

As some of the players, allows players senki near the resurrection will be very complicated, but we want to avoid the situation in the beginning of the design "Diablo 3" (which is why we do not allow players like Diablo 2 did back cause City surgery). We appreciate your feedback, and we will continue to consider how to adopt - or similar - to improve.

So, we fully agree senki role some very monotonous and we very much hope to be more useful. If you can recommend other senki use, please let us know!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Barbarian some of the problems in 1.0.5 version

About Shield

First mentioned shield, because I have a 2011 from CWOW open service has always insisted on playing Tauren warrior, a variety of shields with me through countless joy and miserable sad.

1.0.5 The biggest change lies in the difficulty of the system exists. Players can according to their level of equipment, the operating level, the network stable level, and so on ... to choose the harder the game, the higher the difficulty has more temptation booty.

First shields bring the maximum benefit for us is that the game survivability assurance. Concrete block value 1000 + armor, high value of life. Even with high crit, to ensure the shield shoulder in the survival not only survival, more like a defensive back in football, striking back waiting for his chance. But this striking, I did not in the game found its offensive power how considerable.

We first analyze may crowd will choose shield: just turned level Diablo 3 Barbarian players new to play this role. They have a common characteristic, can not be formed within a short period of time set for their own game and entertainment equipment combination. At this time, the good side properties shield is their best choice, to ensure they have a more fluid experience in the game. I, accompanied by a few shield I went through a 1-60 walk difficult the first and second act the way shield figure. But I have to say, this is a very frustrating. Blizzard has been weakened in the game may make people crazy, angry, helpless feeling, such as the once invincible minions, such as the the once ordinary elite, champion combination also violent. Blizzard also has been encouraging people to further enhance their combat effectiveness, wild offensive Tongkuailinli gaming experience. A shield, no doubt this experience big a big discount. You have to come again and again and not to get out front of every strange to be on the cut, or even a lot of strange you surrounded. Maybe you have to say, I savages have revenge skills, you can group attacking the group attacking the actual attack force shortage is not so to the force.

Shield is the Blizzard provided to excessive items from a primary players to a higher level. Excessive aired this thing, and even exaggerate the role that it brings, should not our behavior. I do not object to exist due to the use of the shield, sword and shield flow, I also worship those holding a shield that has a 200,000 panel data Sword and Shield players. The Blizzard system provides so many tricks of the equipment elements, reasonable, effective combination of equipment elements is able to maintain the source of this game. Different genres, tactical system is the concentrated expression of these elements combined, single shield onto the 10-meter platform, which is obviously true reflection of a very responsible.

Some people say I have no factual basis, that I came to talk about the factual basis. With the rise of the difficulty, the monster's blood, attack power, elemental damage has improved, this is an indisputable fact that, in particular, the enhancement of blood and a lot of. Take a shield perhaps in the low difficulty can allow you to properly challenge a slightly higher degree of difficulty, and also to ensure your survival, but under the difficult role of the shield has been minimal. Individual panel data of this role is a fixed value, and you are faced with an almost infinite zoom cardinality, the ratio between the two is merciless enlarged, and you pay for the magnification ratio of longer. Your efficiency full time consumption. May wish to look at this formula: panel the DPS * unit time = units of time the total damage, I simply put this classified: DPS * T = D. (DPS = DPS, T = TIME, D = DAMAGE) D understood as a single blood BOSS. Because we can not at all times to enhance DPS, therefore, in a fixed equipment within the composition during the game, your DPS is a fixed value, while the difficulty of system D is larger, there is no doubt of the basis of the equation T coefficient 1 in double time D relationship is a positive correlation, taking into account the time amplification, brought about by a variety of uncertainties, can you guarantee that DPS can play an effective role in it? shield precisely this restriction DPS increase is an important factor, not only because of this equipment, but also because this equipment affect your equipment combination. Or we above formula D idea was the total damage that can be caused by your game, scheduled to facilitate comparison to a fixed value, At this time, the only variable has become the DPS and the DPS is fixed before the panel unchanged, the efficiency of the underlying factors become a hidden value reflects the role. The same panel, the same time, the high mobility of parkour Axe of flexible ancestors crazy, will undoubtedly the seemingly fixed value further from the actual compression disguise enlarged the DPS this case, the final D The numerical is also increased exponentially, X * DPS * T = X * D final shape.

You want to be monster child holding a shield, or a change in thinking to lay down their shields, start your endless killing? I think this choice should not be difficult. We play games, not to let the game play. Not to mention this game so tall AI's strange, blue fat, javelin brother, Benji take the wand Fallen Prophet Fallen, take the stick running around, you holding a shield, you have decided to mobility, flexibility constraints shield their hands. Time is precious, time cost that you pay others several times, it is difficult to harvest several times by other people, or even one harvest of others. This embarrassing shield to blame, blame shield equipment portfolio based on the tactical ideas of the shield is also to blame.

However, everything has extreme that this road Shangpan the heights nor not, they are overlooking the crowd, and the same is the joy of a successful. But the road is definitely not our poor go, we go can not afford to go pay for this road is huge.

Therefore, I sincerely ask those also holding a shield barbarians, we think about the effort on his shield to enhance the fighting power up, a little more thought, and for a little way, and let us barbarians greater liberation. Shield and spear story, I do not need more talk, then powerful defense measures Jiabu Zhu violent attacks hurt. The football field, there is a saying, attack is the best defense. Also please those who advocate shield wind, to close it, not the scourge of their own people, are playing a game, do not let this game become naked money relations, so this game is coming to an end.

About brush key, brush experience, brush treasure

1.05 version of the arrival of a new purgatory device, this device requires three keys, three key lies in the hands of three squad three squad in three chapters, not including in the fourth chapter of an art teacher in the hands of a drawing. And there are different difficulty swap rate, this design is very interesting. The reasons are as follows: 1, turned out to be the the respective posture Brush Brush A1 of A1, A2 brush A2 brush, brush A3 brush A3, A4 few people go little monster, unless the recorded video. This material dispersed to the driven up the integrity of the game, really. Original brush Po is very simple, A3 brush to spit, brush Po select can brush double BOSS, brush difficult chapters brush difficult double BOSS various options for a variety of joy and live in rejoicing.

We can not isolate these three issues separately look at the link between them is very subtle by BLZ difficulty system up.

First analyzed separately brush key. The key involves a swap rate, the higher the difficulty level, the higher the swap rate, and the factors of the face, difficulty levels enhance significantly lower. But the shortage caused by the emergence of another problem the higher the higher the degree of difficulty, and time-consuming. The brush key efficiency issues rise to the surface. Mentioned the efficiency of the keywords naturally involves time gratitude, and time is one that is a fixed constant T is variable T. (Letters represent follow from this paper defined) because everyone in the same time the concept of the game does not exist you one minute and 90 seconds, one minute only 45 seconds of this problem, and let us at this time So this feeling is completely due to the DPS. DPS when you conduct a game experience, it almost will not change, unless you all the time keep facelift, and improve DPS. A fixed value of the DPS system difficulty growing, monster blood constantly doubled DPS contribution continue to reduce the role of the time growing, previously mentioned a formula X * DPS * T = X * D The same is true at this time. So considering this formula, we can give one of the most efficient formula: DPS / D = 1T, is in the unit of time, your panel injury under ideal conditions resulted in the full amount of the target value of life loss. Of course, this is just a model, will double the the difficulty system's blood circumstances taken into account, the key off rate into account, we find that miraculous key swap rate, difficulty coefficient reached 5,6 on two levels the best combination, DPS maximize its role. We can even understand the swap rate of 50% -60%, the difficulty levels 5 and 6 is the best choice. Of course, if your panel just enough to support you in this difficulty factor normal or more fluent game.

I panel 90000, no running speed, hit a group of squad before the stack 5BUFF 4-6 minutes, to find BOSS need 0-80 seconds to kill a group of squad leader needs 50-80 seconds, comprehensive trip regardless of the key out or not My take up to 10 minutes, which also includes my computer graphics garbage, scene switching the slow wasting the time. Into seven difficult, this time the monster's blood prolonged, enlarged to 14-18 minutes (personal best record is 12 minutes, but do not have a reference, because the 10 seconds before and after the the rot collapse of forest sprint encountered on the road to wave 2 elite + a random event, and no strong life affixes. buttoned warriors and ancestors and group 2 +1 event, send plains back to the city, you see a squad leader. luck here). Everyone saw. 5 difficulty, difficulty, I can brush 5-7 times, and 3-4 times in 7 difficulty. Before in the base, a high percentage does not represent the high-yield, and the number of times the final constants. This is a bit like farmers to plant crops kinds of potatoes, a piece of land and the value of the harvest is not the size of the potatoes is to eventually get the amount of potatoes.

Therefore, when in the face of this result, I strongly suggest that you equipped equipped to 5,6 levels of difficulty. Here are all my basic panel data, minimum 500 full anti-high 620, panel DPS8.5 with thieves roar 100K-120K, the transfiguration 150K-170K, crit 58 + crit damage 4200, Armor 6500.

Attach playing key best route:

Group of squad leader: rot collapse of the Lin 3-5buff, plains the 0-2buff find a squad leader.

Second class squad: the bleak (Assassin) 5buff, oasis to find a squad leader.

The three shifts squad: the beacon 3-5buff, Benji 0-2buff find a squad.

Small suggestion

Brush the keys to maintain continuity. Some people used to brush class, second class again, and then three shifts. This is very scientific. Three classes of elite monsters are not the same, not the same degree of difficulty, the monster very different a short time back and forth to change requires a strong ability to adapt.

Recommended continuous brush at least 4-5 times a squad leader, to ensure operation inertia and skilful brush strange sense. The maximum compressed time-consuming, the formation of a virtuous cycle of rapid

Rot collapse of forest ghost elite feel good hit, if you encounter Molten, fiery, links, and ordered, fast, Teleport such affixes decisive to give up not playing. The Fallen Prophet of the beacon, Shi Lei, regardless of affixes, see left, because they are too smart, you Bajiao be to recover, it has Jiaodimayou. If stronger kill, wasting a lot. Especially if affixes: ordered, fast, Molten construction of the wall.

And then talk about the brush experience

Here do not consider that Hellfire rings, because some people make the property fully as good as carrying by itself, seriously affect the mood. Therefore, only to the head put a big ruby.

You experience obtained in unit time, depending on the number of you killing, killing the number eventually marked quantify the monster blood, this blood is equal to the amount of players hurt manufacturing unit time. Therefore, in the case of a fixed time to the maximum extent possible to manufacture effectively kill amount to become a core upgrade the pinnacle paragon. And because of the difficulty of the existence of the system, the difficulty of each level upgrade to have the appropriate experience reward and blood volume doubled to enhance this effectively kill amount to completely sever relations with the difficulty level, because the two are negatively correlated. For example, 3 difficulty, you killed a monster consuming 6 seconds, 1.2 million manufacturing hurt and killed two little monsters, reward 35,000 experience in the eight difficulty, you also took six seconds, Manufacturing 1.2 million damage, beat to death a strange experience for 0. In so doing, 1 minute 3 difficulty 35000 * 10 = 350000 experience the eight difficulty may only 60000w * 3 = 180000 experience, this is still theory does not consider the the metamorphosis combination difficult monster affixes because three difficulty You can ignore the variety of skills to kill. (If you normally hit three normal playing 8)

My practical experience as an example (I paragon48 level), 1, 2 difficulty Parkour Daguai easily broken anger, because strange without a fight, ran Figure Daguai not smooth. 3 difficulty just 4 almost flat with three. A full A3 down almost does not leak to blame 3 Paul 4 grid experience, 4 takes about 1.4 times, the experience of the five spaces. After more than five, no matter how high your panel, the experience gained into serious over decline, because the panel DPS insufficient to sustain the great effectively kill unit time.

Therefore recommend the following:

Panel 40000 (inclusive), duly properly play one, two difficulty upgrade paragon.

Panel 4-6 million, hit two 3 upgrade paragon.

The panel 6-10 million, playing 3, 4 upgrade paragon.

The panel of 100,000 + hit 4 5 upgrade paragon.

High, the panel enlarge serious and need to be considered strange affix combination of factors, there is no reference value.

Finally said brush treasure

This guidance by the the common senior players the stickers, I just want to make a little, you need to heap MF? The need! Need how much? Maximum of 50. Why?

In your current one to adapt to the premise of your panel DPS choose a fixed brush Po difficulty when you only need 25-50 MF appropriate brush can reach higher than your current level of 1-2 difficulty treasure get chance . Of this brush Po chance followers who can be met.