Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The answer about Goblin damage "immune"

Some players said he found a Goblin attacked may occur "immune". In this regard, Community Manager Lylirra answer:

About Goblin damage "immune"

Why 400K damage on Goblin, then he will be in 1-2 seconds immune damage and escape before being hurt again, and again after the immunization?

If I can be two to kill a Goblin, I can do it. In particular, I go to catch up, hit what, you can not hurt it again, it ran into 15 fanatical believers masses, and I was blown away. I always feel that every time playing. : (

Immune design, which is to ensure Goblin their effect can be well done(so that they are inverted before to be hit can have time to escape). This is since we have set, after the sale was never to turn over.

The current situation is that the Goblin because the monster strength system has a higher value of life, every hurt you can pay attention to your attention will be even more so when they immunization. I understand the immunity should only occur when the fighting began a few encounters.

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