Monday, November 19, 2012

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Mana return of design problems and limitations

Witch Doctor's Mana problem, in my view, is a can not change the maximum mana, cast animation and like other professions as equipment combination to solve many problems. I recommend not suitable for using the word "Farming", compared to other occupations, if your monster strength grade, failing a move seckill, it can not be called Farm - because for one purpose into a very inefficient PvE intensity level.

Recent rework, Diablo 3 encountered a strange phenomenon of the "highest level" defined. But let us assume that the MP10 is just a game, "the highest difficulty level, we are the worst career in the viability and efficiency of this difficulty. This is a very objective assumptions, because the MP10 fighting can be used to the closest viable content is fighting the duration and movement speed requirements.

If all the current mana return, unless it is pure support, shamans damage compared to other professional capacity is very low, but have often evaded the enemy to keep enough mana, or give up the mana maintained through passive skills to enhance defense capabilities while reducing output.

The point of contention is that the mana return mechanism changes, so we think we have a program diversity. Our program is limited, while others are still full of fantasy stage. Witch Doctor barely three characteristics than other occupations more efficient programs, each program are needle push different purposes and monster strength grade - and all of these programs require special equipment combinations to perform to its optimum effect - - far exceeds the world situation is a set of equipment to go in the other class usually the case.

I can set out the appropriate strength grade of these programs, it is not a secret, but it will make its deviation from the original intent of this post - I can tell you is that the barrage of fire bats and soul, or a recent 1.0.5 DoT skills, a significant strengthening of the Blizzard development team are still not the best - this is the witch doctor class status.

We have to remember the following points:

Monster strength in can seckill enemy - we are in the same equipment, efficiency and other occupations are the same.

- We have a highly efficient but very mana very limited program, including push Bear - (since the Diablo 3 release, Blizzard still think this is not to solve a BUG)

Powerful support configuration - we can provide powerful support moderate damage.

In addition to the pure support type configuration, there is no any kind of advancing further in the current game content.

Speaking of the cast animation, the the only underperforming volley ghost can do damage perfect move. Let us barbarians dual cyclone as the perfect cast animation or I like called no cast animation example. This process is called "positive feedback" engineering. As long as you can break through the breakpoint / stable point, rotation will provide power for themselves; although we can do it in a low monster strength - Witch Doctor Kills return Mana mechanism is not sufficient to maintain the current progress of the game, in the top gear The pickup range rarely become constraints where our breakthrough.

Too many important skills are very slow closing strokes, or affected by distance restrictions lead to lead to poor cloth bit more mana cost. Although you stack attack speed, critical hit and critical damage of a solution, but does not solve this problem. Due to the lack of a perfect animation, mana cost majority are wasted, wasted skill slot, reducing the maximum feasible the DPS. Also, many of us are too important skill fixed, such as voodoo ceremony, you increase the difficulty of the game, its efficiency does not meet your high operating gameplay.

Compare other professional witch doctor equipment available amount, my view, lead to the last link of the mana problems. Theoretically, you consume little magic can average how much damage equal to your witch doctor equipment.

I suspect that some of the items

For example, two holes manticore, and is equipped with the quiver dual wield program is by no means the way of thinking of the design intent or the role of the late. Other professions, such as magician 10% attack speed Buddha Tourbillon duo of law, there can be 18% damage and crit back Triple orb, the best equipment can theoretically witch doctor are not comparable and the Master. Contrast other career-best result of each of our resource consumption caused less damage, increase our mana problems. Unlike melee, we can not give up the high survivability. Take the example of the world's first witch doctor "Cash" - his equipment comparing other top fitted with other professional players simply come from another planet, his potential DPS in the game and our program feasibility, be restricted by the above the Witch Doctor occupational restrictions and said the senior deputy.

Contrast, the witch doctor deputies best late attribute should be standard back blue or consumption of reduce affixes. 14 mana regeneration benefits far better than 18% pure damage bonus and the crit hit back can back can be 10% attack speed and crit, 20% Quiver IAS or by the obtained dual wielding DPS melee Life Pirates take and attack speed increase. Witch Doctor's equipped with a very bad design choice, and together with the cast animation constraints and the overall low DPS high mana cost skills - resulting in a maximum potential has been constrained by mana consumption caused by the outbreak of the less. This makes the witch doctor to obtain high efficiency replacement program, it takes more energy to collect the whole set of equipment. You need to collect the abyss Monster, with vampire Adams Cowen ax Yucca match snakes, critical dog suit ... only in order to maximize the potential. Results is to do one hit kill monster strength, our items collected and fitted to become the most important issue, unlike other professions, as long as the set of basic equipment on it.

Although I would love to see the crit hit back to the blue, and I also hope that we can in the "highest degree of difficulty and the other professions" has used to program configuration crit Blue's ability to hit back, it will not appear we low damage. Equipment good as a witch doctor, too many constraints.

I do not believe that other professions need to limit or Nerf. Because the general public believe that the performance of these occupational useful to play the point.

I questioned the Blizzard in the recent patch witch doctor skills changes but not on our efficiency with the core skills affect. This is the lead designer do not know enough of class, or testing not enough.

I hope to hear more of your better improved the Witch Doctor mana return mechanism, and work together so that the witch doctors and other professions stand on the same starting line.

Diablo 3 gold

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