Thursday, November 1, 2012

Barbarian some of the problems in 1.0.5 version

About Shield

First mentioned shield, because I have a 2011 from CWOW open service has always insisted on playing Tauren warrior, a variety of shields with me through countless joy and miserable sad.

1.0.5 The biggest change lies in the difficulty of the system exists. Players can according to their level of equipment, the operating level, the network stable level, and so on ... to choose the harder the game, the higher the difficulty has more temptation booty.

First shields bring the maximum benefit for us is that the game survivability assurance. Concrete block value 1000 + armor, high value of life. Even with high crit, to ensure the shield shoulder in the survival not only survival, more like a defensive back in football, striking back waiting for his chance. But this striking, I did not in the game found its offensive power how considerable.

We first analyze may crowd will choose shield: just turned level Diablo 3 Barbarian players new to play this role. They have a common characteristic, can not be formed within a short period of time set for their own game and entertainment equipment combination. At this time, the good side properties shield is their best choice, to ensure they have a more fluid experience in the game. I, accompanied by a few shield I went through a 1-60 walk difficult the first and second act the way shield figure. But I have to say, this is a very frustrating. Blizzard has been weakened in the game may make people crazy, angry, helpless feeling, such as the once invincible minions, such as the the once ordinary elite, champion combination also violent. Blizzard also has been encouraging people to further enhance their combat effectiveness, wild offensive Tongkuailinli gaming experience. A shield, no doubt this experience big a big discount. You have to come again and again and not to get out front of every strange to be on the cut, or even a lot of strange you surrounded. Maybe you have to say, I savages have revenge skills, you can group attacking the group attacking the actual attack force shortage is not so to the force.

Shield is the Blizzard provided to excessive items from a primary players to a higher level. Excessive aired this thing, and even exaggerate the role that it brings, should not our behavior. I do not object to exist due to the use of the shield, sword and shield flow, I also worship those holding a shield that has a 200,000 panel data Sword and Shield players. The Blizzard system provides so many tricks of the equipment elements, reasonable, effective combination of equipment elements is able to maintain the source of this game. Different genres, tactical system is the concentrated expression of these elements combined, single shield onto the 10-meter platform, which is obviously true reflection of a very responsible.

Some people say I have no factual basis, that I came to talk about the factual basis. With the rise of the difficulty, the monster's blood, attack power, elemental damage has improved, this is an indisputable fact that, in particular, the enhancement of blood and a lot of. Take a shield perhaps in the low difficulty can allow you to properly challenge a slightly higher degree of difficulty, and also to ensure your survival, but under the difficult role of the shield has been minimal. Individual panel data of this role is a fixed value, and you are faced with an almost infinite zoom cardinality, the ratio between the two is merciless enlarged, and you pay for the magnification ratio of longer. Your efficiency full time consumption. May wish to look at this formula: panel the DPS * unit time = units of time the total damage, I simply put this classified: DPS * T = D. (DPS = DPS, T = TIME, D = DAMAGE) D understood as a single blood BOSS. Because we can not at all times to enhance DPS, therefore, in a fixed equipment within the composition during the game, your DPS is a fixed value, while the difficulty of system D is larger, there is no doubt of the basis of the equation T coefficient 1 in double time D relationship is a positive correlation, taking into account the time amplification, brought about by a variety of uncertainties, can you guarantee that DPS can play an effective role in it? shield precisely this restriction DPS increase is an important factor, not only because of this equipment, but also because this equipment affect your equipment combination. Or we above formula D idea was the total damage that can be caused by your game, scheduled to facilitate comparison to a fixed value, At this time, the only variable has become the DPS and the DPS is fixed before the panel unchanged, the efficiency of the underlying factors become a hidden value reflects the role. The same panel, the same time, the high mobility of parkour Axe of flexible ancestors crazy, will undoubtedly the seemingly fixed value further from the actual compression disguise enlarged the DPS this case, the final D The numerical is also increased exponentially, X * DPS * T = X * D final shape.

You want to be monster child holding a shield, or a change in thinking to lay down their shields, start your endless killing? I think this choice should not be difficult. We play games, not to let the game play. Not to mention this game so tall AI's strange, blue fat, javelin brother, Benji take the wand Fallen Prophet Fallen, take the stick running around, you holding a shield, you have decided to mobility, flexibility constraints shield their hands. Time is precious, time cost that you pay others several times, it is difficult to harvest several times by other people, or even one harvest of others. This embarrassing shield to blame, blame shield equipment portfolio based on the tactical ideas of the shield is also to blame.

However, everything has extreme that this road Shangpan the heights nor not, they are overlooking the crowd, and the same is the joy of a successful. But the road is definitely not our poor go, we go can not afford to go pay for this road is huge.

Therefore, I sincerely ask those also holding a shield barbarians, we think about the effort on his shield to enhance the fighting power up, a little more thought, and for a little way, and let us barbarians greater liberation. Shield and spear story, I do not need more talk, then powerful defense measures Jiabu Zhu violent attacks hurt. The football field, there is a saying, attack is the best defense. Also please those who advocate shield wind, to close it, not the scourge of their own people, are playing a game, do not let this game become naked money relations, so this game is coming to an end.

About brush key, brush experience, brush treasure

1.05 version of the arrival of a new purgatory device, this device requires three keys, three key lies in the hands of three squad three squad in three chapters, not including in the fourth chapter of an art teacher in the hands of a drawing. And there are different difficulty swap rate, this design is very interesting. The reasons are as follows: 1, turned out to be the the respective posture Brush Brush A1 of A1, A2 brush A2 brush, brush A3 brush A3, A4 few people go little monster, unless the recorded video. This material dispersed to the driven up the integrity of the game, really. Original brush Po is very simple, A3 brush to spit, brush Po select can brush double BOSS, brush difficult chapters brush difficult double BOSS various options for a variety of joy and live in rejoicing.

We can not isolate these three issues separately look at the link between them is very subtle by BLZ difficulty system up.

First analyzed separately brush key. The key involves a swap rate, the higher the difficulty level, the higher the swap rate, and the factors of the face, difficulty levels enhance significantly lower. But the shortage caused by the emergence of another problem the higher the higher the degree of difficulty, and time-consuming. The brush key efficiency issues rise to the surface. Mentioned the efficiency of the keywords naturally involves time gratitude, and time is one that is a fixed constant T is variable T. (Letters represent follow from this paper defined) because everyone in the same time the concept of the game does not exist you one minute and 90 seconds, one minute only 45 seconds of this problem, and let us at this time So this feeling is completely due to the DPS. DPS when you conduct a game experience, it almost will not change, unless you all the time keep facelift, and improve DPS. A fixed value of the DPS system difficulty growing, monster blood constantly doubled DPS contribution continue to reduce the role of the time growing, previously mentioned a formula X * DPS * T = X * D The same is true at this time. So considering this formula, we can give one of the most efficient formula: DPS / D = 1T, is in the unit of time, your panel injury under ideal conditions resulted in the full amount of the target value of life loss. Of course, this is just a model, will double the the difficulty system's blood circumstances taken into account, the key off rate into account, we find that miraculous key swap rate, difficulty coefficient reached 5,6 on two levels the best combination, DPS maximize its role. We can even understand the swap rate of 50% -60%, the difficulty levels 5 and 6 is the best choice. Of course, if your panel just enough to support you in this difficulty factor normal or more fluent game.

I panel 90000, no running speed, hit a group of squad before the stack 5BUFF 4-6 minutes, to find BOSS need 0-80 seconds to kill a group of squad leader needs 50-80 seconds, comprehensive trip regardless of the key out or not My take up to 10 minutes, which also includes my computer graphics garbage, scene switching the slow wasting the time. Into seven difficult, this time the monster's blood prolonged, enlarged to 14-18 minutes (personal best record is 12 minutes, but do not have a reference, because the 10 seconds before and after the the rot collapse of forest sprint encountered on the road to wave 2 elite + a random event, and no strong life affixes. buttoned warriors and ancestors and group 2 +1 event, send plains back to the city, you see a squad leader. luck here). Everyone saw. 5 difficulty, difficulty, I can brush 5-7 times, and 3-4 times in 7 difficulty. Before in the base, a high percentage does not represent the high-yield, and the number of times the final constants. This is a bit like farmers to plant crops kinds of potatoes, a piece of land and the value of the harvest is not the size of the potatoes is to eventually get the amount of potatoes.

Therefore, when in the face of this result, I strongly suggest that you equipped equipped to 5,6 levels of difficulty. Here are all my basic panel data, minimum 500 full anti-high 620, panel DPS8.5 with thieves roar 100K-120K, the transfiguration 150K-170K, crit 58 + crit damage 4200, Armor 6500.

Attach playing key best route:

Group of squad leader: rot collapse of the Lin 3-5buff, plains the 0-2buff find a squad leader.

Second class squad: the bleak (Assassin) 5buff, oasis to find a squad leader.

The three shifts squad: the beacon 3-5buff, Benji 0-2buff find a squad.

Small suggestion

Brush the keys to maintain continuity. Some people used to brush class, second class again, and then three shifts. This is very scientific. Three classes of elite monsters are not the same, not the same degree of difficulty, the monster very different a short time back and forth to change requires a strong ability to adapt.

Recommended continuous brush at least 4-5 times a squad leader, to ensure operation inertia and skilful brush strange sense. The maximum compressed time-consuming, the formation of a virtuous cycle of rapid

Rot collapse of forest ghost elite feel good hit, if you encounter Molten, fiery, links, and ordered, fast, Teleport such affixes decisive to give up not playing. The Fallen Prophet of the beacon, Shi Lei, regardless of affixes, see left, because they are too smart, you Bajiao be to recover, it has Jiaodimayou. If stronger kill, wasting a lot. Especially if affixes: ordered, fast, Molten construction of the wall.

And then talk about the brush experience

Here do not consider that Hellfire rings, because some people make the property fully as good as carrying by itself, seriously affect the mood. Therefore, only to the head put a big ruby.

You experience obtained in unit time, depending on the number of you killing, killing the number eventually marked quantify the monster blood, this blood is equal to the amount of players hurt manufacturing unit time. Therefore, in the case of a fixed time to the maximum extent possible to manufacture effectively kill amount to become a core upgrade the pinnacle paragon. And because of the difficulty of the existence of the system, the difficulty of each level upgrade to have the appropriate experience reward and blood volume doubled to enhance this effectively kill amount to completely sever relations with the difficulty level, because the two are negatively correlated. For example, 3 difficulty, you killed a monster consuming 6 seconds, 1.2 million manufacturing hurt and killed two little monsters, reward 35,000 experience in the eight difficulty, you also took six seconds, Manufacturing 1.2 million damage, beat to death a strange experience for 0. In so doing, 1 minute 3 difficulty 35000 * 10 = 350000 experience the eight difficulty may only 60000w * 3 = 180000 experience, this is still theory does not consider the the metamorphosis combination difficult monster affixes because three difficulty You can ignore the variety of skills to kill. (If you normally hit three normal playing 8)

My practical experience as an example (I paragon48 level), 1, 2 difficulty Parkour Daguai easily broken anger, because strange without a fight, ran Figure Daguai not smooth. 3 difficulty just 4 almost flat with three. A full A3 down almost does not leak to blame 3 Paul 4 grid experience, 4 takes about 1.4 times, the experience of the five spaces. After more than five, no matter how high your panel, the experience gained into serious over decline, because the panel DPS insufficient to sustain the great effectively kill unit time.

Therefore recommend the following:

Panel 40000 (inclusive), duly properly play one, two difficulty upgrade paragon.

Panel 4-6 million, hit two 3 upgrade paragon.

The panel 6-10 million, playing 3, 4 upgrade paragon.

The panel of 100,000 + hit 4 5 upgrade paragon.

High, the panel enlarge serious and need to be considered strange affix combination of factors, there is no reference value.

Finally said brush treasure

This guidance by the the common senior players the stickers, I just want to make a little, you need to heap MF? The need! Need how much? Maximum of 50. Why?

In your current one to adapt to the premise of your panel DPS choose a fixed brush Po difficulty when you only need 25-50 MF appropriate brush can reach higher than your current level of 1-2 difficulty treasure get chance . Of this brush Po chance followers who can be met.

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