Monday, November 26, 2012

Diablo 3 Expert Mode is why you should try

Expert mode is the real challenge, because you have only one life, die you have to start over. It is also because such expert mode only its indelible charm and fun. Obtained through the game's sense of accomplishment is also difficult to compare normal mode. Expert mode than normal mode for the various aspects of the many difficult, because you have to give priority to the problem of existence, and the situation of each possible accidents rapid response.

I attribute index has reached a "standard" in the experience of predecessors, but I can not remember how many times, in front of the screen in the elite reddening. Because of the widespread attack force reduction, the duration of the battle stretched dangerous conditions occur frequently. Many affixes combination is very lethal, for example, when you encounter a construction of the wall + imprisonment + blasphemy + frozen/Molten, you will obviously find terror more than the normal mode.

Why knowing will die, and there are so many players to play expert mode? Ashes spirit and love, as well as willing to challenge and unbeaten heart. Whenever monks red screen, she said, "I will come back. , Play the expert mode well prepared to greet death, but I will not just let go. How many times, a miracle happened, I successfully survived. This stimulation and excitement is really ordinary mode.

Many people say "Diablo 3" is very mediocre. No sense of accomplishment, and you can skip some and beat something you should not have to beat. The so-called role to enhance, but also through the items to increase your character's main attributes. The purgatory difficulty a variety of Contra and Super Mario, "stupid" level of difficulty did not lead to what challenges. Game very superficial economic bad. All the reason for all this is just because you play in "normal mode" - the expert mode is a whole new world, let me start from scratch and you talk about it.


Most people think that the general pattern of the economic system has been finished. Whether it is because the Bot or because the banknote soldiers the reason, most players have far more than they are supposed to be where progress. The equipment broke purgatory difficulty of little value, because the articles are not to leave the economic system and goods production too.

The items outside less than LV60 and purgatory difficulty has value. Players death will upgrade to a new role, they need new items. Before the items? Gone, consumed from the economic circle. I is not dead yet, but some of my friends' equipment loss has reached millions of Diablo 3 gold. In contrast to the common mode, this consumption economy can maintain the vitality of the expert mode.

Another reason is that the players need to equip a new shield may be able to become the savior of additional resistance allows you to safely advance purgatory difficulty. Players need to meet the challenges before first upgrading of equipment, rather than challenge or after the challenge, because you can not skip the game content, can not leapfrog to finish the work. You can not expect heaven packages of four, you need to upgrade and get more money to upgrade their equipment.

A sense of accomplishment and sense of role to enhance the substance of

For the novice, the expert mode is difficult, sometimes you may commit stupid or because of some mistakes and tragic death. Each BOSS, each group of elite, each task you have only one chance. A role does not have the opportunity again. You can only choose to kill BOSS or back to a re-. Although many players away from the expert mode, but also give you a sense of accomplishment and pride. Every time you will be dying in the face of BOSS/Elite, and then a miraculous victory over the enemy. This will force you to continue to improve and make their own powerful.

The BOSS war, only you and BOSS. Even if you know the Diablo 3 BOSS is very simple, and you will find that unless you character outbreak of a god to install, and you always live on the knife-edge. The butcher kill you the first time Hell difficulty, or Diablo kill ... your first purgatory Diablo kill ...... make you excited to stomach pains.


There are many players in the expert mode purgatory difficulty, but much less than the normal mode. Expert mode, you can not even think about a 55 Gold and 0 resistance rampant purgatory, you will die miserable. You need to Farm or purchase from the auction house to prepare. Progress to improve, albeit slowly, and you will slow down, but it all makes sense. Enhance this role of the expert mode in purgatory difficulty is the Blizzard want everyone to play.

Role into a sense

You care about your character and equip what will happen, especially after you put a lot of time. You need to ensure that all are the safest and best. You can compare, you are here to enhance and viability, compared to the normal mode "ah, my DPS panel enhance the 50". In your dying moments, all thoughts are drawn to the past, you've decided to play what kind of job, how to play how to upgrade, you will also speed brush? Can you afford to buy the equipment it? There ... you survived!

When you play the normal mode, there will be this feeling it? Adrenaline will be flowing in your blood make you tremble? I guess not.

Inevitable death, so you have to be prepared. Death may be very funny, sad may make you angry. The anger of the game on your own or the wrath of this career. According to Blizzard say, 60% of the role of the expert mode in the first act dead, so you have to stand up and accept - Death is a part of the game. Death is valuable, death is a result.

From the most simple to begin with.

Barbarian is the easiest expert mode. You can choose the tank flow but can still be easily single brush, you are an impregnable fortress, while relying on revenge brought a huge amount of damage to the enemy, and the treatment of their own.

Monk is the second easy. More than barbarians rely on the equipment, but it can still be a single brush very comfortable. Heap high resistance is the best way to survive success monks.

Witch Doctor
The witch doctor is purgatory Act One of the most common remote class. Popular due to excellent relief damage.

The magician in expert mode, they have the skills to avoid damage, and a good escape skills, while maintaining hurt. If your equipment is reasonable, the magician did not think so fragile, and more dependent on the kite.

Demon Hunter
Most vulnerable career in the game, even if you heap high survivability and take the shield. You need four defensive skills and attack skills to survive. The Barrages, ready to go, are used to smokescreen and prance survive. Many of the players to completely abandon the normal mode cavort to completely rely smokescreen. But if you are surrounded by is a dead end, so you need to prance.

Equipment selection
Stamina first?
Many people believe that the main role of the physical survival, you actually need to attack force to kill the enemy. If you can not kill the enemy, you're never die useless. Physical and the main properties of the balance is the only right way. For example, you find a pair of belt running speed, the main properties and critical chance, but there is no physical boots, you may go to the auction house to sell. But the early days a lot of people did choose purple gem to increase viability.

This property, all resistance is common in the hell late and purgatory. All resistance equipment are very expensive, totally more than physical. You need is the effective value of life, rather than the number of red balls you.

Armor also very sought after, especially melee, this is a good relief damage property.

Can not even get a shield?
Shield melee class needs. Nothing to discuss. Enters the Nightmare late you must grab a shield, dual wielding will be very dangerous. Additional armor, stamina and parry damage reduction is the key to ensure the survival of the Block is a very good defensive attributes.

Remote class is very controversial. Class deputy, some people choose to get higher injury and rely on to avoid being attacked to rely on the operating, while others will choose a shield. My own choice the Shield Block Buff and I can get my operation can not do the best, a shield, said I will be in three times the death is not two, so I'd rather sacrifice some DPS.

I can safely survive in purgatory?

Note: I do not care about before you is not playing 0 against 20,000 blood Contra, because you too can look straight ahead. Defense value is the value of the "safe" These data are for the first time into the the the expert mode purgatory difficult players to do reference.

The question I will try to do our best to answer. As said before, the effective HP is the key in purgatory depending on your resistance. In my view the most important resistance should fire (fire chain, shelling, Molten, profanity) and physical resistance. Arcane, pestilence, and frozen the kind you standing in the wrong position on the spike. All resistance properties., But as I said before, is king, you need to got enough to do to enter purgatory hell/forging through the auction house or Farm.

Shun said, 40K actual blood is a very good amount of blood. You can more less forty thousand blood to enter purgatory is relatively security.

(Note: The following data is based on version 1.0.2, now should be subject to change)

The resistance required in each class is different. Barbarians who, my friend Armor heap to a 70% reduction in the damage, and 200-250 all resistance began to enter purgatory and fight the Skeleton King. Barbarian DPS has never been the problem, a lot of people only 8000 DPS still very comfortable to play, which I'm assuming you are in the single-handed + shield and rely revenge.


Witch Doctor
Shamans need to increase by passive relief The DAMAGE, up to 40%. Pet. 200 all resistance to the minimum standards of security. You can be less if the DPS is fierce enough to enter directly from hell purgatory. Heap to 200 all resistance is not difficult.

If your shield 200 is, If you do not heap to 300. Heap as a magician, this value is relatively easy because energy armor.

Mercenaries are
I feel the the 250-300 all resistance (especially fire resistance), so I eat the 1-2 under shelling scared wet his pants, had to take a shield. Before 175 all resistance, high damage exaggeration, I feel that the zombies are terrible in the purgatory of the first act. As a hunting demons were not truly "safe" at all, no matter how much of your strong efforts of the resistance, armor or equipment. You will always be more damage than other occupations. Kite tactics, you dodge ability and timing of smokescreen used to master is your best resistance. I will recommend that you upgrade before you enter the purgatory of resistance and defense to be able to withstand the attack about 3 Next Goodbye red better.

How to play

Most people choose the 3-4 defensive skills and a monomer skills/generate skills and an AOE skills/consumer skills. You do not need more skills to be able to get rid of BOSS. Your killing speed slower than the normal mode, but the benefits of slow to improve your ability to survive, "raped red!" This situation is also less together.

Help each other

Multiplayer mode monster additional damage is removed to form a squad of 2-4 people is always better than a single brush good. You can fight the monster faster while helping each other. Mention and reliable teammate to play with and will always be the best game atmosphere.

But the most important thing is making new friends, you dead in the future there will be more help. You're gonna die, you need new items. Your friends will be happy to help you, of course, you have to repay them. Yesterday I put a 800 DPS single hand weapons to the barbarians of my friends. If I sell, and make a few millions D3 gold easily. But I know that if he found a great bow, he would give me. Similarly, he found a pair of quick boots, and I have the boots of a force we will exchange. Therefore, you should understand that the help of friends to give up, find some people to play and enjoy the game, can recover faster.


All Diablo 3 bored people are playing normal mode, I suggest you try the expert mode. Equipment and powerful enemies kill your great sense of accomplishment. Expert mode the game more interesting and meaningful, so give it a try.

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